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Why ACA Premiums May Soon Become Less Affordable and What an Expiring Tax Credit Could Mean for Georgia Families

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Millions of Georgians Could Face Big Increases in Health Insurance Costs—Here’s What You Need to Know

If you or someone you know gets health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, you’ve probably noticed it’s been more affordable in recent years. This increase in affordability is thanks to extra financial help from the federal government. These enhanced premium tax credits (ePTCs) make health coverage affordable for working families, self-employed individuals, and people who would otherwise struggle to pay for insurance. But this critical financial help is set to expire at the end of 2025—unless Congress steps in.

If Congress doesn’t extend these tax credits, over 1.2 million Georgians will see huge price increases, and many may be forced to drop their coverage altogether.



Georgia’s new health insurance marketplace launches this week: what to expect as Georgians begin to shop and enroll in their 2025 coverage

Portrait of smiling African American female patient receiving medical consultation and looking back at camera on foreground, mature male doctor sitting at desk in the blurred background

Every year on November 1st, healthcare.gov and state-specific health insurance marketplaces open so that Americans who don’t have job-based health insurance or other coverage can shop for and enroll in health insurance. In 2024, 1.3 million Georgians enrolled in coverage in this way, and this year their marketplace will look a little different. Here’s what Georgians need to know about the changes. 

Since 2013, Georgians have used healthcare.gov to view health insurance plans, qualify for financial help to lower their costs and enroll in the health plan of their choosing. In 2023, Georgia lawmakers moved to change that. The state legislature and Governor Kemp passed a new law that allows Georgia to create its state-based marketplace (SBM). Since then, the Georgia Department of Insurance has been working to create and launch Georgia Access (GeorgiaAccess.gov). Georgia Access launches November 1st. 



8 Essential Health Care Questions for Georgia Candidates in 2024

As Georgians prepare to cast their votes in this year’s elections, the importance of health care policy has never been clearer. From the future of affordable coverage to the persistent gaps in access for communities around our state, the stakes are high. Georgia’s on-going health challenges highlight the need for candidates who prioritize health and wellness. Georgians need elected leaders who will make decisions that ensure access to affordable, high-quality health care, especially for communities who have historically had more difficult barriers to accessing and affording care.

With this in mind, we’ve developed a set of questions for voters to ask state and local candidates on key health care issues affecting communities around our state. These questions can help guide your conversations with candidates at town halls, forums, or on social media.



New federal fix expands the number of Georgia families who qualify for affordable health coverage

Thanks to a move by the Biden administration, 206,000 more Georgia families will qualify for financial help to purchase health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare). The “family glitch” has plagued working families whose jobs offer affordable coverage for the worker but not for their family members. With the new federal fix, the family glitch will no longer stand between Georgia’s working families and the affordable health coverage and care they deserve.



Legislative Update: Crossover day, big budget moves ahead, & action alerts!

Legislative update: Week 8

The GHF team prides itself on delivering timely and accurate updates to you on health care happenings at the Capitol. We hope that you enjoy reading our weekly legislative updates and that they help you stay informed and connected. If you enjoy them, please consider supporting our work with a donation today. Thank you for your continued support!

In this week’s update:
Image of the Georgia capitol


Legislative Update: Mental health & substance use updates, prior authorization, Medicaid expansion, telehealth, & more!

Legislative Update: Week 7

The GHF team prides itself on being able deliver timely and accurate updates on health care happenings at the Capitol. We hope that you enjoy reading our weekly legislative updates and that they help you stay informed and connected. If you enjoy them, please consider supporting our work with a donation today. Thank you for your continued support!

In this week’s update:
Image of the Georgia capitol



Governor Kemp’s health care plans approved: What do they mean and what’s next

Both of Governor Kemp’s health care proposals were approved by federal health officials in the last two weeks. Unfortunately, both proposals fall short of the bold, evidence-based action that Georgians need their state leaders to take. These plans may impact you or people you know. While some details of the plans are still being sorted out, we have tried to answer some of your early questions here. As we learn more and these plans roll out, GHF will keep you updated with the information you need to get covered, stay covered, and help your loved ones do the same.



New! Getting Georgia Covered 2020

Despite repeated claims otherwise, Georgia’s health insurance marketplace has proven to be resilient for consumers in our state. GHF examined the data about Georgia’s 2020 marketplace for our annual Getting Georgia Covered report. We found rising enrollment, lower premiums, and increased choices for consumers. This annual release tells the story of how Georgia individuals and families are faring in the health insurance marketplace. Explore the new interactive digital report to find out more about Georgia’s 2020 marketplace, how it differed from previous years, the Georgians who enrolled and costs of plans, and policy opportunities to increase enrollment, ensure access to care, address affordability, and protect consumers.


Statement from GHF’s Executive Director on approval of Georgia Access waiver

Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the approval of Georgia’s 1332 State Innovation waiver, title “Georgia Access”. Laura Colbert, Executive Director of Georgians for a Healthy Future has issued the following statement:

“Despite repeated attempts, Governor Kemp’s Georgia Access proposal still fails to explain how a shutdown of the most popular and streamlined health insurance enrollment platform in order to move to a decentralized, privatized enrollment system will address the challenges faced by Georgia consumers, especially those who remain uninsured.



Sign up for 2021 health coverage before Dec. 15th!

Healthcare.gov is open for business from November 1 to December 15, 2020. Georgians can now shop for comprehensive, affordable health plans and enroll in coverage. Nine out of 10 Georgians qualify for financial help to lower their premiums and other costs! Make sure that you are covered in 2021!

Most Georgians who qualify for health insurance & financial help through the Affordable Care Act (also called “Obamacare”) are still uninsured. If you or people you know need more information about how health insurance works, how to enroll in coverage, or what to do after you have signed up, we have you covered! Check out and share these tools so you and your networks can get covered and stay covered:


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GHF In The News

Mar 3, 2025
Best intentions of Georgia 2022 behavioral health insurance law fall short with slow implementation
Jill Nolin

State leaders celebrated three years ago when they passed a bipartisan measure designed to step up enforcement of a federal law that requires health insurers treat mental health and substance…
