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Statement from GHF’s Executive Director on the approval of Georgia’s 1115 Medicaid waiver & pending approval of 1332 private insurance waiver

Today Governor Kemp and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the approval of Georgia’s 1115 Medicaid waiver & pending approval of 1332 private insurance waiver. Laura Colbert, Executive Director of Georgians for a Healthy Future has issued the following statement:

“In the midst of a once-in-a-century health crisis, Georgians need & deserve bold action from their leaders. Unfortunately, the Governor’s health proposals miss that mark. The plans approved today are insufficient and ill-advised. Georgians deserve better.



Ten Health Care Questions for Georgia Candidates

Decorative: Pictures from the Georgia state capitol featuring GHF staff and health advocates
Pictures from the Georgia state capitol featuring GHF and health advocates

This year, no Georgian has been left untouched by the health or economic impacts of COVID-19. America’s singular failure to control the pandemic has spotlighted the importance of public policy decisions that prioritize health and wellness. The consequences of underfunding essential public health infrastructure and Medicaid, and the disparate impact that public policies have no Black Americans and other people of color is clear. National, state, and local leaders, many elected by the public, are responsible for the policy decisions made ahead of and in response to COVID-19, its economic fallout, and the movement for racial justice.

Ahead of the 2020 election season (October to November 3, 2020), Georgians have the opportunity to learn more about these elected positions, the decision-making power each has, and how those positions impact their health and the well-being of Georgians. This year, Georgians will cast their votes for the U.S. President, members of U.S. Congress, state legislators, state supreme court judges, and other positions.

As Georgia candidates on this fall’s ballot crisscross the state or their districts asking for support, voters will consider their positions on a number of important issues including health care. To help voters make their decisions, we put together this list of questions for voters to ask of candidates about five timely and pressing consumer health care issues. These questions can be used at town halls and candidate forums or posed to candidates via social media or in one-on-one conversations.



GHF submits comment to federal government about Governor’s revised private insurance proposal

On July 9, 2020, Georgia’s Governor announced that his administration had revised his 1332 private insurance proposal. The new proposal consists of two parts:

  1. A reinsurance program to lower premiums; and
  2. The Georgia Access model—which would separate Georgia from healthcare.gov but would not replace it, instead directing consumers to insurers and web brokers to shop and enroll in coverage.

After a 15-day public comment period during which more than 600 comments were received from the public, Georgia’s Department of Community Health made no changes and submitted the proposal to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for their review on July 31.

CMS deemed the waiver application complete on August 17. The designation began a 30-day public comment period, allowing Georgians, health advocates, and any other interested party to weigh in on the revised proposal. Because of technical difficulties with the comment submission link, the comment period was extended another seven days to September 23, 2020.

More than 1800 individuals and organizations commented during this time, including GHF. You can read GHF’s full comment letter here.


A consumer health advocates guide to the 2020 elections: U.S. Congress

Three images of people advocating for health care at the Capitol

This year, no Georgian has been left untouched by the health or economic impacts of COVID-19. America’s singular failure to control the pandemic has spotlighted the importance of public policy decisions that prioritize the health and wellness of populations, the consequences of underfunding essential public infrastructure (like departments of public health), and the disparate impact that public policies have had on Black Americans and other people of color. National, state, and local leaders, many elected by the public, are responsible for the policy decisions made ahead of and in response to COVID-19, its economic fallout, and the movement for racial justice.

Ahead of the 2020 election season (October to November 3, 2020), Georgians have the opportunity to learn more about these elected positions, the decision-making power each has, and how those positions impact their health and the well-being of Georgians. This year, Georgians will cast their votes for the U.S. President, members of U.S. Congress, state legislators, state supreme court judges, and other positions. Voters’ decisions about the candidates in each race will have an unprecedented impact on consumers health issues in Georgia as we continue to battle through the current health crisis.

In this blog, we cover the U.S. Congress’s impact on the health and well-being of Georgians and their families. To jump to a specific section, click these links:



A consumer health advocates guide to the 2020 elections: Georgia’s General Assembly

This year, no Georgian has been left untouched by the health or economic impacts of COVID-19. The global pandemic has spotlighted the importance of public policy decisions that prioritize the health and wellness of populations, the consequences of underfunding government agencies (like departments of public health) and other essential public infrastructure, and the disparate impact that public policies have had on Black Americans and other people of color.  National, state, and local leaders, many elected by the public, are responsible for the policy decisions made ahead of and in response to COVID-19, its economic fallout, and the movement for racial justice .

Ahead of election season (October to November 3, 2020), Georgians have the opportunity to learn more about these elected positions, the decision-making power each has, and how their impact on the health and the well-being of Georgians. This year, Georgians will cast their votes for the U.S. President, members of Congress,  state legislators, state supreme court judges, and other positions.  Voters’ decisions about the candidates in each race will have an unprecedented impact on consumers health issues in Georgia as we continue to battle through the current health crisis.



GHF comments on Governor’s revised private insurance proposal

On July 9, 2020, Georgia’s Governor announced that the state was re-opening the public comment period on his 1332 private insurance proposal. The proposal was considerably revised since it was last considered in February of this year. The new plan still consists of two parts:

  1. A reinsurance program to lower premiums; and
  2. The Georgia Access model—which would separate Georgia from healthcare.gov but would not replace it, instead directing consumers to insurers and web brokers to shop and enroll in coverage.

Other provisions of the previously proposed Georgia Access model were dropped (cap on financial assistance, new kinds of health plans, etc.).

The Governor’s announcement began a 15-day public comment period on the new proposal, allowing Georgians, health advocates, and other interested parties to weigh in. Along with more than 600 others, GHF submitted comments to communicating our deep concerns about the plan’s continued shortcomings. You can read GHF’s full comments here.


Five Years in the Making: Consumer Advocates’ Role in Passing Comprehensive Surprise Billing Legislation

Quote from consumer about surprise billing and summary of blog

Today, Governor Kemp signed the Surprise Billing Consumer Protection Act into law! Georgians for a Healthy Future and our partners at Georgia Watch strongly supported this bipartisan bill to protect consumers from surprise out-of-network medical bills.

These exorbitant bills often burden patients with high amounts of medical debt. In fact, over half of debt collection actions contain medical debts, leading to bankruptcy for many consumers. Take George C. of Lilburn, for instance, who had his right foot amputated at an in-network hospital. Even after obtaining assurances from his insurer that the provider was in network, he still found himself stuck with costly medical bills. “I found out they used out-of-network providers when they assured me they would [not]. They would not dismiss the bills and I had no alternative but to file for bankruptcy,” said George, after receiving surprise medical bills totaling $60,000.



GHF welcomes new Story Collection Coordinator

GHF is excited to welcome Lois Hairston as the organization’s new Story Collection Coordinator. In this role, Lois will work to collect, develop, and share the stories of Georgia individuals and families as part of GHF’s Close the Gap initiative.

Lois is a graduate of Old Dominion in Virginia, where this past year, she served as the Communication and Membership Chair for the University’s Black Alumni Chapter. Her professional background includes experience with marketing agencies in Virginia and the District of Columbia, where she managed direct marketing campaigns for clients such as the Democratic Governors Association and the HealthWell Foundation. Recently, in her role as Communications Manager for Youth Entrepreneurs, Lois managed the creation of branded content and acted as the public relations liaison for the national nonprofit.



Legislative Update: Steep budget cuts and significant health bills close 2020 session

Sine Die

Georgia’s 2020 legislative session comes to a close

Friday, June 26, marked the final day of the 2020 Georgia legislative session. This year’s Sine Die (the last day of the legislative session) came after a months-long suspension due to safety concerns over COVID-19. The final two-week legislative sprint brought the approval of a number of bills that will benefit consumers if approved by the Governor. Unfortunately, this progress comes against a backdrop of steep budget cuts that will put many Georgians at risk, especially those who are most marginalized.

Below you will find an overview of the approved state budget, summaries of notable health-related legislation, and short status reports on other health bills. GHF’s legislative tracker is updated so you can check on the health bills you were watching this session.

General Assembly passes FY2021 state budget

Legislators’ primary responsibility upon returning to the state capitol this month was to finish and pass the FY 2021 state budget, which goes into effect this Wednesday, July 1. On Thursday, the Georgia House and Senate passed a state budget that includes $2.2 billion in budget cuts for the FY 2021 budget. Although cuts were reduced from 14% to 10%, the approved budget curtails funds to many critical health care programs and social services. Notable changes to this year’s budget include:

  • Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities: $91 million cut
    • One-third of the cuts ($29 million) comes from adult developmental disability services 
    • Another third ($29.9 million) comes from child and adult mental health services
  • Department of Community Health: Increase of $178 million
    • Increase in funds due to a higher projected growth for Medicaid
    • $19.7 million added to provide six-months of Medicaid coverage for new mothers (see below for more info.)
  • Department of Public Health: $8.2 million cut
    • Funding restored for grants to local health departments
    • No reduction in funding for maternal mortality review board

The Georgia Budget & Policy Institute provides a fuller picture of the budget cuts here. Voice’s for Georgia’s Children also has a relatively easy-to-read version of the budget changes here.

Our priorities

General Assembly passes four bills to reform PBM practices in Georgia 

This year’s Georgia General Assembly took a keen interest in pharmacy benefit managers (commonly called PBMs). PBMs are companies that manage prescription drug benefits for health insurance companies. In order to secure lower prices on medications, PBMs have adopted practices that are seen as burdensome by pharmacies, restrictive and hard-to-navigate by consumers, and opaque by elected officials. The following four PBM bills were passed last week in an effort to increase patient access to and decrease costs of medications:

  • HB 918, sponsored by Rep. Sharon Cooper, limits the practices of PBMs as they audit pharmacies so that pharmacies can more easily meet audit requests. The bill gives the benefit of the doubt to pharmacies when small or innocuous mistakes are discovered.
  • HB 946, sponsored by Rep. Matt Knight, and SB 313 by Senator Dean Burke are companion bills with the same legislative language. Both bills would require that PBMs count third-party financial assistance or coupons towards a consumer’s out-of-pocket costs when the medicine is a brand-name that 1) does not have a generic or 2) a patient obtained the prescription through step-therapy, prior authorization, or their health insurance plan’s appeals process. This protection will benefit many Georgians with expensive prescriptions. The bills also increase fines on PBMs when they “steer” consumers to specific pharmacies and disallows PBMs from building drug formularies (lists of covered medicines) in a way that discriminates against people with prescription drug needs.
  • HB 991, sponsored by Rep. Matt Hatchet, establishes an oversight committee which will oversee the contracts and subcontracts under the State Health Benefit Plan (covers state employees and their families), Medicaid, and PeachCare for Kids. This legislation aims to increase transparency around the pharmacy benefit managers contracted by these plans. The oversight committee is made of nine members, one of whom must be a consumer covered by one of the state health plans.

Bill to increase taxes and raise the age of purchase for vaping products passes

Multiple pieces of legislation were introduced this year that would change the way Georgia regulates tobacco, vaping devices and other nicotine products. Ultimately, only SB 375, sponsored by Senator Jeff Mullins, saw final passage. The bill will establish a 7% tax on vaping products and would increase the age at which Georgians are allowed to purchase tobacco and vaping products to 21 years of age. This increase in the so-called “age of purchase” brings state law in line with federal law.

Legislation to establish an All Payer Claims Database passed

SB 482, sponsored by Senator Dean Burke, builds on Georgia’s new surprise billing legislation (HB 888). HB 888 authorizes Georgia’s Department of Insurance to establish an all payer claims database (APCD) that will inform the surprise billing payment resolution process. APCDs can be a powerful tool that can also help policymakers, stakeholders, and advocates develop better understandings of health care costs, use of services, population trends, and disparities.

SB 482 goes farther than HB 888 by setting up an advisory body to assist in the creation of the APCD and establishing the purposes of the APCD, among other provisions. The advisory body does not currently include consumer representation. 

The creation of Georgia’s APCD is subject to appropriations. It was not funded in the FY2021 budget but state leaders have expressed optimism about funding it in future state budgets and attracting private funds to help support its development.

Surprise billing legislation awaits Governor’s signature

The Surprise Billing Consumer Protection Act (House Bill 888), was recently passed by the General Assembly and now heads to Governor Kemp’s desk for his signature.

This bill will ban surprise billing in emergency and non-emergency situations beginning January 1, 2021. This success comes after years-long debate among Georgia legislators. Georgians for a Healthy Future and Georgia Watch are pleased to work closely with the Governor and Lieutenant Governor’s offices, Chairman Richard Smith, Senator Hufstetler, and Representative Lee Hawkins to finally bring a resolution to Georgia consumers. After the bill is signed by the Governor, GHF & Georgia Watch will monitor and publish more information about how legislation will work and what consumers may expect.

After the bill is signed by the Governor, GHF & Georgia Watch will monitor and publish more information about how the legislation will work and what consumers may expect.

Postpartum Medicaid coverage bill passed and funded

HB 1114, sponsored by Rep. Sharon Cooper, would allow new mothers to receive Medicaid coverage for six months after giving birth, up from the current 60-day limit. The General Assembly approved the legislation and funding ($19.7 million) last week. HB 1114 now heads to Governor Kemp’s desk for his signature.

In order for this change to take effect, the Georgia Department of Community Health will need approval from federal health officials.

Sine Die recap

HB 792: Amended FY 2020 Budget | SIGNED BY GOVERNOR HB 792 makes adjustments to the state budget for the current fiscal year which runs through June 30, 2020. The “little budget” has passed both chambers of the General Assembly and been signed by the Governor. The amended budget went into effect on March 17th.

HB 793: FY 2020 Budget | SIGNED BY GOVERNOR HB 793 is the budget document for the coming state fiscal year which will run from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. The budget includes several steep cuts to behavioral health and other health care programs. 

HB 719:  Effort to modernize HIV laws | DID NOT PASS HB 719, sponsored by Rep. Deborah Silcox, would modernize Georgia’s HIV-related laws and make progress towards decriminalizing HIV. Current Georgia law deems it a felony for people living with HIV to have sex or donate blood without disclosing their status, or for spitting at or using bodily fluids on a law enforcement officer. Under HB 719 only the act of having sex without disclosing a person’s HIV status would remain illegal.

HB 789: Creation of a surprise bill rating system | PASSED HB 789, sponsored by Rep. Mark Newton, would create a surprise bill rating system based upon the number of certain physician specialty groups contracted with a hospital within a health insurer’s network. 

HB 842: Gracie’s Law – organ transplant discrimination | DID NOT PASS HB 842, sponsored by Rep. Rick Williams, would protect people with disabilities from being removed from organ donor waiting lists because of their disabilities.

HB 987: Protection of elderly persons | PASSED HB 987, sponsored by Rep. Sharon Cooper, would increase training requirements for staff members in elderly care facilities and raises the number of staff who would have to be on site at any given time to watch over residents. It would also increase fines for violations or if a facility causes a resident’s death.

SB 303: Georgia Right to Shop Act | PASSED SB 303, sponsored by Senator Ben Watson, Chairman of the Senate Health & Human Services committee, would require that health insurers to put on their website an interactive feature that allows consumers to estimate their out of pocket costs for a particular health care service and compare quality metrics between providers, among other things. Insurers would also have to provide a phone number that consumers can call to get the same information. 

SB 352: Online provider directories | DID NOT PASS SB 352, sponsored by Senator Burke, would allow consumers to see providers at in-network rates for their entire plan year, if the provider is listed as in-network at the time a person enrolls in their health plan. The providers included in a consumer’s insurance plan network changes regularly throughout the year and this bill would assure that the provider network advertised at the time of enrollment is the provider network they are able to access all year long.

SB 408: Family Care Act Sunset Removal | PASSED SB 408, sponsored by Senator Brian Strickland, would extend the sunset on the Family Care Act to July 1, 2023. The Family Care Act allows employees to use sick time to care for ill family members. 

GHF has you covered

Stay up-to-date with the legislative session and COVID-19

GHF will be monitoring legislative activity on a number of critical consumer health care topics. Along with our weekly legislative updates and timely analysis of bills, we have the tools you need to stay in touch with health policy under the Gold Dome.

GHF is dedicated to helping you understand and navigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have the information you need to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.


Medicaid expansion: An evidence-based response to COVID-19, unemployment, & racial disparities

“Any plan that does not address the coverage gap is insufficient and ultimately fails Georgians. Refusing to address coverage on the front end means that our friends and family lead less productive lives and end up (with) bills they cannot afford that get left with the state at the end of the day. This is our problem one way or the other and the Governor’s Medicaid plan does not address the fundamental problem facing Georgians, which is the lack of basic health care.”

— Commenter

Georgia remains one of 14 states that has not yet expanded Medicaid to cover low-income adults. As a result, more than 400,000 poor, uninsured Georgians have no health coverage during a pandemic, a number that is growing as more Georgians lose their jobs and their job-based coverage.

While the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 are hitting Georgians of color hardest, uninsured rates were consistently higher among Black and Hispanic Georgians compared to whites even before the pandemic began. Thirty six percent (36%) of those in the coverage gap between Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act’s marketplace are Black and 22% are Hispanic.

In the face of clear evidence that Medicaid expansion would benefit Georgians impacted by COVID-19, support Georgia’s COVID-19 response efforts, and reduce health disparities experienced by Black and Hispanic Georgians, Governor Kemp continues to pursue a plan that he put forward in 2019 that would allow Medicaid to cover a small fraction of low-income, uninsured Georgia adults and cost the state three times more per person to operate. The plan would not cover any additional Georgians until July 2021.

In November 2019 and January 2020, Georgians were asked to participate in two 30-day public comment periods to tell state decision makers and federal health officials what they thought of Governor Kemp’s Medicaid plan. Over 2,700 comments were submitted during the two comment periods.

GHF conducted an analysis of all available comments and found that by a 9-to-1 margin, commenters were opposed to Gov. Kemp’s plan and preferred a full Medicaid expansion. Commenters largely felt that Gov. Kemp’s plan did not cover enough people, ignored the great financial deal offered by a full Medicaid expansion, and imposed too many barriers to health care.

Even though the comment periods occurred before the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded and the movement for racial justice was sparked by the violent deaths of Black Georgians and others, commenters touched on themes relevant to both:

“Medicaid helps my community by increasing the health and longevity of parents and children, especially in communities of color, in order to be able to provide increase parenting skills and empowerment for adults, and healthier growth and development for the children. It also decreases the equity gaps produced by centuries of inequities in all areas of our state institutions. This is turn contributes to better educational attainment and decreased crime—a direct correlation with better and preventative healthcare provided by Medicaid—which benefits all of us!”

— Commenter

“I am a person living with HIV and Medicaid expansion is critically important for me. Under the partial Medicaid expansion proposal, I would not be eligible because I make too much. However, I am in between jobs and don’t have the resources to pay for healthcare coverage. I am concerned that the funds allocated could be better utilized to serve more Georgians like myself. Georgia would have to pay 3 times more per person than it would under Medicaid expansion.”

— Commenter

“I have a severe disability that limits my ability to work, so I work part-time from home. Every extra bureaucratic step involved in getting the medications and healthcare I need to function well, directly lowers the number of hours I can work and engage with my community. Delays in receiving this care can impact me for weeks, months, or years, potentially resulting in permanent loss of function. I want all of my neighbors, friends, and family to be able to access the care they need to live fulfilling lives. Instead of opting for the Governor’s expensive Medicaid waiver that will leave hundreds of thousands of Georgians uninsured, please expand Medicare coverage instead. . . Georgians want everyone who needs healthcare to get coverage, not to institute needless and complicated barriers to care. Our generosity in caring for each other is what will make our state great.”

— Commenter

“I am one of 5,000 volunteer caseworkers with St Vincent de Paul Georgia working each day around our state to help low income people in need. We meet working people every day who cannot pay their rent because of unexpected medical bills. We see people going without medical care and needed medications and their numbers are growing…The recent coronavirus outbreak and shocking mass shootings should drive home the fact that denying people access to primary care and mental healthcare makes all of us vulnerable…”

— Commenter

“ Governor Kemp’s plan is fiscally and morally irresponsible. This plan will cost more money to cover fewer Georgians than full Medicaid expansion leaving thousands of Georgians who would be eligible for Medicaid without healthcare….This plan is bad for Georgia and bad for our budget.”


The COVID-19 pandemic and the uprising for racial justice have added urgency to the calls for an equitable health system that is accessible and affordable for all Georgians. Medicaid expansion will help Georgia meet this moment.

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Mar 3, 2025
Best intentions of Georgia 2022 behavioral health insurance law fall short with slow implementation
Jill Nolin

State leaders celebrated three years ago when they passed a bipartisan measure designed to step up enforcement of a federal law that requires health insurers treat mental health and substance…
