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Archives: Bills

Georgia Remember My Life Act; enact

To provide a digital memorial monument within the state capitol building for Georgians who have died from COVID-19

Torts; certain immunities from liability claims regarding COVID-19; provisions; revise

To provide immunity from liability claims as they relate to COVID-19

Labor and industrial relations; use of sick leave for care of immediate family members; extend sunset provision

To enable employees to use their sick leave to take of their immediate family members

State Government; automatic repealer on the prohibition on state and local governments from requiring proof of COVID vaccination for government services; remove

To remove the requirement of providing proof of COVID-19 vaccination for government services

Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of; create and maintain Georgia Crisis and Access Line; statutorily require

To create, operate, and maintain the Georgia Crisis and Access Line through Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

Education; attendance policies consider mental and behavioral health; provide

To provide excused absences for mental and behavioral health in school.

Behavioral Health and Development Disabilities, Department of; establish school-linked behavioral health grant program; provide

To establish a behavioral health program in schools through Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

Public assistance; use certain benefits for purchasing diapers or menstrual products; provide for waiver request

To provide assistance for purchasing diapers or menstrual hygiene products to individuals who are recipients of certain public assistance benefits, like WIC and SNAP through Department of Human Services

Behavioral Health and Development Disabilities, Department of; create and maintain electronic inpatient psychiatric bed registry; require

To create an electroninc inpatient psychiatric bed registry through Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities

Georgia Pro-Birth Accountability Act

Requires state to compensate pregnant women that are forced to continue pregnancy due to fetal heartbeat bill

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Nov 1, 2024
Georgia Pathways to Coverage Medicaid program too limited, too costly, analysis finds
Jess Mador

More than a year after the state launched the Pathways to Coverage program, offering Medicaid in exchange for work or other state-approved activities, advocates say the program is too difficult…
