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Archives: Bills

Medicaid expansion

To provide premium assistance to eligible individuals to get health care coverage and create necessary state plan amendments or federal waivers

Georgia EMS Reform Act

To amend the current Emergency Medical Systems Communications Program in specified territories

Cost and effects of smoking joint study committee

To create the costs and effects of smoking joint study committee

Reproductive Freedom Act; enact

To remove the criminalizing of abortion, to create exceptions to the requirement of notifying parents of minors receiving aboritons, to have certain abortions covered by certain health insurance plans

Kathleen Cominski Act

To require state office buildings to have at least one automated external defibrillator on site for all times, in case of emergencies

Paid Sick Leave Act

To require employers to provide paid sick leave for employees

Reproductive Freedom Act; enact

To remove the criminalizing of abortion, to create exceptions to the requirement of notifying parents of minors receiving aboritons, to have certain abortions covered by certain health insurance plans

Reproductive Freedom Act; enact

To remove the criminalizing of abortion, to create exceptions to the requirement of notifying parents of minors receiving aboritons, to have certain abortions covered by certain health insurance plans

Social services; Medicaid coverage for prevention and treatment of lymphedema; provide

To provide Medicaid coverage for the prevention and treatment of lymphedema

Insurance; affordable healthcare coverage for individuals diagnosed with cardiovascular disease; provide

To provide affordable health insurance for individuals diagnosed with cardiovascular disease

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GHF In The News

Nov 1, 2024
Georgia Pathways to Coverage Medicaid program too limited, too costly, analysis finds
Jess Mador

More than a year after the state launched the Pathways to Coverage program, offering Medicaid in exchange for work or other state-approved activities, advocates say the program is too difficult…
