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Legislative Update: February 15, 2016


As the session has progressed, additional pieces of legislation that could impact health care consumers have been introduced. For a list of all the bills we’re watching, click here. SB 302, the Provider Directory Improvement Act was heard in committee and goes to a vote this week.



Improving Provider Directories

SB 302 was heard in committee last Thursday. We are happy to report that the conversation was widely favorable. There were a few points of contention around the usability provisions in the bill but the committee chair and bill sponsor were optimistic that consensus could be reached ahead of this coming Thursday’s committee meeting, where a vote is expected.

Please call or email the committee members and ask that they vote for SB 302, the Improving Provider Directories Act!

Sen. Charlie Bethel (Chairman)  404-651-7738

Sen. David Shafer (Vice Chairman) 404-656-0048

Sen. P.K. Martin (bill sponsor) 404-656-0048

Sen. Gail Davenport 404-463-5260

Sen. Marty Harbin 404-656-0078

Sen. Ed Harbinson 404-656-0074

Sen. Burt Jones 404-656-0074

Sen. Josh McKoon 404-463-33931

Sen. Renee Unterman (bill co-sponsor) 404-463-1368

Sen. Larry Walker 404-656-0081


Surprise Out-of-Network Billing

In both the House and Senate we are still hearing strong interest in addressing surprise out-of-network billing. We expect legislation to be introduced this week from Sen. Renee Unterman that would address this issue. Join the Georgia Health Action Network (GHAN) to receive updates on health-related legislation the General Assembly is considering and information about steps you can take to show your support (or raise your concerns)!


Network Adequacy 

GHF supports updating Georgia’s network adequacy standards. We don’t expect to see legislation this year, but there are conversations happening in both chambers and in both parties. GHF will be advocating for a study committee to meet during the 2016 off-session so that the legislature will have enough information during the 2017 Legislative Session to debate the best standards for Georgia. To read more about network adequacy and why is matters to Georgia check out our new policy brief. You can also watch this interview with Julie Silas of Consumers Union on the topic.


Closing Georgia’s Coverage Gap

Rep. Stacey Abrams has sponsored HB 823, the Expand Medicaid Now Act. While we don’t expect this legislation to receive a hearing this year, it is sparking important conversations about the coverage gap in Georgia. Read more here.

If you want to get involved in the movement to close Georgia’s coverage gap you can share this video with your social network or sign this petition. You can also follow the conversation on Twitter using #CoverGA


This week we’re highlighting a conversation with Consumer’s Union policy expert, Lynn Quincy. Lynn talks about why Georgia should be talking about health value, and the cost to taxpayers when we don’t.



Legislative Update: February 8, 2016


policy-priorities1The first month of session is behind us and there is still so much to do! We’re excited about the discussion and movement around provider directory transparency. If you’re interesting in receiving action alerts as important legislation moves through the legislative process and small advocacy actions you can take, join the Georgia Health Action Network(GHAN)!

To see a full list of bills we’re following, click here.



Improving Provider Directories

SB 302, the Improving Provider Directories Act, will be heard, and possibly voted on, in the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee this Thursday.

Please call or email the members of the committee to let them know that you support the Improving Provider Directories Act!

Sen. Charlie Bethel (Chairman) 404-651-7738

Sen. David Shafer (Vice Chairman) 404-656-0048

Sen. P.K. Martin (bill sponsor) 404-656-3933

Sen. Gail Davenport 404-463-5260

Sen. Marty Harbin 404-656-0078

Sen. Ed Harbison 404-656-0074

Sen. Burt Jones 404-656-0082

Sen. Joshua McKoon 404-463-3931

Sen. Renee Unterman (bill co-sponsor)

Sen. Larry Walker 404-656-0081


Network Adequacy 

GHF supports updating Georgia’s network adequacy standards. We don’t expect to see legislation this year, but there are conversations happening in both chambers and in both parties. GHF will be advocating for a study committee to meet during 2016 so that the legislature will have enough information during the 2017 legislative session to debate the best standards for Georgia. To read more about network adequacy and why it matters to Georgia, check out our new policy brief.


Surprise Out-Of-Network Billing

In both the House and Senate we are still hearing strong interest in addressing surprise out-of-network billing. It is probable that we will soon see a bill that adresses this issue and we will keep you updated on any such developments.


Closing Georgia’s Coverage Gap

Rep. Stacey Abrams has sponsored HB 823, the Expand Medicaid Now Act. While we don’t expect this legislation to receive a hearing this year, it is sparking important conversations about the coverage gap in Georgia. Read more here.

If you want to get involved in the movement to close Georgia’s coverage gap you can share this video with your social network and sign this petition.


This week we are highlighting in our Consumer Health Advocacy Today video series a conversation with Representative Debbie Buckner on her health priorities for the 2016 legislative session.



Getting What You Pay For

GHF and Georgia Watch host policy forum on network adequacy, surprise out-of-network billing, and provider directory accuracy.

Early in February, GHF and Georgia Watch partnered to host policymakers, stakeholders, and advocates at a policy panel on important health insurance consumer protections. The event opened with remarks from Senator Dean Burke and included presentations from Consumers Union’s Julie Silas, Georgia Watch’s Beth Stephens, and GHF’s Meredith Gonsahn. If you missed the event, you can find presentations and materials below!

Julie Silas’s presentation: Finding Policy Solutions for Provider Directories and Surprise Medical Bills

Meredith Gonsahn’s presentation: Improving Network Adequacy and Provider Directory Standards in Georgia

Video interviews with Julie Silas on network adequacy and provider directories

Who was there? Check out the photo album.


Improving Provider Directory Accuracy and Usability

provider-directory-briefAs consumers navigate the new landscape of increasingly narrow networks and high deductibles, they need the right tools and information to choose a health insurance plan that best fits their medical needs and their household budgets. Provider directories are the primary tool available to consumers to determine whether the plan they are selecting has a narrow or broad network and to identify which providers are in their plan. As such, these directories should be accurate, up-to-date, and should truly function as a tool. Despite the important role directories play, they are notorious for being rife with errors and for lacking the functionality to help consumers make optimal choices in the market. By drawing upon model legislation from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and best practices from other states, Georgia can take steps to improve directories. This policy brief:

– explains the role provider directories play as a tool for consumer decision-making

– describes current provider directory provision in Georgia

– describes common problems with provider directories

– outlines recent policy activity around provider directories

– highlights other state examples of provider directory improvements

Download the brief here.


New Policy Brief: Setting and Enforcing Network Adequacy Standards

network-adequacy-briefWhen consumers enroll in a health insurance plan, they gain access to a network of medical providers. This network must be adequate to ensure that consumers enrolled in the plan have reasonable access to all covered benefits. While network adequacy is not a new concept, it has a new urgency in light of the sheer number of newly insured Georgians enrolled in individual plans; the move on the part of insurance companies toward narrow networks and tiered networks, which limit the number of providers plan enrollees can access; new federal standards; and a new model act from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) that provides updated guidance for states. Georgia health care consumers need and deserve clear standards and protections that ensure their coverage translates to access to care without financial hardship. Georgians for a Healthy Future released today at a public policy form held in Atlanta a new policy brief on network adequacy. This policy brief:

– explains the importance of network adequacy for access to care

– outlines current network adequacy standards in Georgia

– summarizes recent policy activity around network adequacy

– sets forth consumer-oriented principles for network adequacy standards in Georgia

– provides policy recommendations to achieve network adequacy in Georgia.

Download the brief here


Legislative Update February 2, 2016

Week 3


Week three was a very exciting one for Georgia health care consumers! The introduction of SB 302 signaled true movement on consumer priorities, like insurer provider directory transparency. Check below to see what happened and how you can get involved.

If you’re looking for a list of all the bills we’re tracking and their status in the legislature, click here.


What Happened This Week

Improving Provider Directories 

We are very excited to share with you that last week Senator P.K. Martin (R-9th)  introduced legislation to address provider directory inaccuracies and usability limitations. Senators Burke (R-11th), Watson (R-1st), Parent (D-42nd), and Unterman (R-45th) are also co-sponsors of SB 302. The bill has been assigned to the Senate Insurance Committee and we expect it will receive a hearing within the next week. Read SB 302.

Please join us in thanking Sen. Martin for introducing such an important piece of legislation! You can email him here or call him at 404-656-3933.

GHF has developed a suite of materials on provider directories. Check out our fact sheet and policy briefto learn more about this important consumer issue.


The mid-year supplemental budget (HB 750) passed the House 176 – 0. The budget contained no surprises and now goes over to the Senate. We are continuing to monitor the budget process. Our friends at the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute have developed an overview for more information.


Surprise Out-Of-Network Billing
In both the House and Senate we are still hearing strong interest in addressing surprise out-of-network billing. It is probable that we will soon see a bill that addresses this issue and we will keep you updated with any such developments.


Closing Georgia’s Coverage Gap 
Rep. Stacey Abrams has sponsored HB 823, the Expand Medicaid Now Act. While we don’t expect this legislation to receive a hearing this year, it is sparking important conversations about the coverage gap in Georgia. Read more here.If you want to get involved in the movement to close Georgia’s coverage gap you can share this video with your social network and sign this petition.


Network Adequacy
Georgians for a Healthy Future supports updating Georgia’s network adequacy standards to ensure that consumers can access an in-network provider for all covered benefits in their plan. This past fall, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners updated its model act on network adequacy. Shortly thereafter, Georgia’s Consumer and Provider Protection Act Study Committee recommended a multi-stakeholder review of the model act to determine how Georgia should proceed on this important issue. While there hasn’t been any movement on network adequacy yet this legislative session, it’s an issue we’re closely watching. You can check out the network adequacy page on our website for background materials (including our new policy report), videos, and news articles on network adequacy.

Let’s Chat
This week we’re highlighting in our Consumer Health Advocacy Today video series a conversation with Senator Greg Kirk about what he sees as the most important issue facing Georgia health care consumers: keeping our rural hospitals open. We are also very concerned abut maintaining adequate care in our rural communities. To learn more about the issues facing our rural hospitals, click here.




Open Enrollment Ends

Pranaya Outreach 10.15GHF helped over 100 people get covered

Open enrollment formally concluded on January 31, 2016 and 587,845 Georgians enrolled in the Marketplace (healthcare.gov).

Throughout open enrollment, GHF worked to get Georgians enrolled through direct service and the creation of GEAR (or the Georgia Enrollment Assister Resource Network). GEAR is the new central hub of resources for Georgia’s enrollment assisters and community partners who work with consumers to educate them on their health and health care coverage options. If you are interested in learning more about GEAR or want to sign up for the newsletter, email Whitney. Additionally, during this open enrollment period we have provided enrollment assistance to 78 applicants and their families, totaling 141 Georgians. Of those, 91%  received financial assistance.


Legislative Update January 25, 2016

The second week of the Legislative Session was primarily focused on the budget. Check out the updates below on provider directories, closing the coverage gap, and other issues that are important to Georgia health care consumers.


Please join GHF and Georgia Watch on Tuesday, February 2 for a breakfast policy discussion Getting What You Pay For: Consumer Protections for Network Adequacy, Surprise Medical Bills, and Provider Directories, for more information, click here.


The event is free, but we ask that you RSVP to that we may have an accurate head count.



Improving Provider Directories
Improving provider directories continues to be an issue of interest in both the House and Senate and on both sides of aisle.  We hope to see a bill within the coming weeks.  As soon as we have a bill number, we’ll pass the information along to you. Be on the lookout for an action alert soon!


Surprise Out-of-Network Billing
In both the House and Senate we are hearing strong interest in addressing surprise out-of-network billing. It is probable that we will soon see a bill that addresses this issue and we will keep you updated with any such developments.


Closing Georgia’s Coverage Gap
While we do not have a bill number, House Democrats have announced that they will be proposing a bill to close Georgia’s coverage gap. You can read about that here.
Action Alert: Governor Deal and the legislature need to hear from you that closing the coverage gap is good for Georgia’s citizens and economy. Add your name to a petition of close Georgia’s coverage gap (and then forward it to a friend!).


Governor Deal Proposes a Budget
Governor Deal has released his budget proposal for the 2016 legislative session. This budget will take effect in July 2016 and run through the end of June 2017. We are just beginning to parse through the budget but we have already identified two items to watch:
  • In the FY 2016 budget, the legislature included $23 million for partialMedicaid payment parity, with the understanding that full parity may be achievable over the next several budget years. The Governor’s budget maintains last year’s partial parity, but does not add any more funding. We will encourage the legislature to increase the funding for payment parity as they make their budget changes. Need a refresher on what parity has to do with access to care? Check out this blog post.
  • Under the proposed budget, monthly insurance premiums for non-certified public school personnel (like bus drivers, cafeteria workers, etc.) will increase in January 2017. You can read more about these changes here.
If you want more information about the budget and its implications for consumers, check out the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute’s FY 2017 budget report.


Network Adequacy
Georgians for a Healthy Future supports updating Georgia’s network adequacy standards to ensure that consumers can access an in-network provider for all covered benefits in their plan. This past fall, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners updated its model act on network adequacy. Shortly thereafter, Georgia’s Consumer and Provider Protection Act Study Committee recommended a multi-stakeholder review of the model act to determine how Georgia should proceed on this important issue. While there hasn’t been any movement on network adequacy yet this legislative session, it’s an issue we’re closely watching. You can check out the network adequacy page on our website for background materials, videos, and news articles on network adequacy.


This week we’re highlighting in our Consumer Health Advocacy Today a conversation with Rep. Lee Hawkins who is concerned about health literacy in Georgia. We agree with him that many Georgians lack the information they need to make informed decisions about their health insurance. Check out his video below. If you want to learn more about health literacy, check out this blog entry.

GHF is monitoring legislative activity that could impact Georgia consumers. We are tracking bills as they move through the legislative process. Stay updated with our legislative tracker here.

Health Care Unscrambled 2016

Thank you for making Health Care Unscrambled 2016 a success! If you weren’t able to attend last week’s Health Care Unscrambled, don’t worry! We’ve pulled together the highlights.

Whether we are giving a dental care or a full mouth restoration, we use the best technology and tools in the industry. Our partner Martindale dental is committed to providing an exceptional level of customer service. Our dental team provides caring, comprehensive treatment with an emphasis on preventative dental care, and the use of products from sensitivity toothpaste to the teeth whitening kits used by denstists.

Health Care Unscrambled in the news

Andy Miller, Georgia Health News


“Support for a higher cigarette tax, and for the emerging trend of ambulance crews treating people in their homes rather than in ERs were two areas of general unanimity on the panel, at an event sponsored by the group Georgians for a Healthy Future. But as expected, there was sharp division among the four legislators on the panel when it came to the issue of expanding the state’s Medicaid program….” Read More.


Regina Willis, Atlanta Progressive News
” ‘One of the biggest concerns I have is our rural hospitals…. I have personally seen what happened when some of my friends in Dooly County, when their hospital closed; here is some advice on how to whiten teeth in the comfort of your own home, directly recommended by one of the best Chandler dentist if not the best one. I had friends who worked for the Sedation Dentistry Provider there, doctors, nurses and so forth,” State Sen. Greg Kirk (R-Americus) said during a recent panel…” Read More.

Pictures, videos, & more

12496026_10153463293267861_1666740753110048770_oWe had a great (lookin’) crowd at Health Care Unscrambled this year! Check out our Facebook album to see if you made any of the photos!
The Twitter conversation was as lively as the panel discussions! You can find theStorify from the event here.

Humidification is pretty standard these days. No, you don’t have to have humidification, but it makes CPAP Machineo much more comfortable to use warm and moist air than cool dry air.

Lee_Hawkins_ThumbnailRep. Hawins on the importance of consumer health literacy


debbie_buckner_thumbnailRep. Buckner on her health care policy priorities


Greg_Kirk_ThumbnailRep. Kirk on the  importance of rural hospitals


Lynn_Quincy_thumbnailPresentation – Lynn Quincy, Consumers UnionLynn Quincy on health value


Presentations and event materials 

  • Health Advocate’s Guide to the 2016 Legislative Session
  • Health Care Unscrambled 2016 Program
  • Fact Sheet – A Networking & Resource Center for Advocates Working for Better Value in Health Care: Health Care Value Hub
  • Fact Sheet – A Framework for Thinking about Health Care Value Strategies
  • Presentation – Sue Polis, Trust for America’s Health
  • Presentation – Lynn Quincy, Consumers Union

Event Sponsors


Hemophilia of Georgia


Easter Seals Southern Georgia
Harry Heiman & Abby Friedman
Polsinelli, P.C.


Alston & Bird
Insure GA
Jeremy Burnette
Susan Kupferberg & Richard Mitchell
Robert & Amy Arogeti




Alan Levow
The Columbus Organization
CEU Concepts
Cindy Zeldin & Doug Busk
Georgia Academy of Family Physicians
Georgia Council on Substance Abuse
Georgia Equality
Grady Health Foundation
Hayslett Group
Ilene Engel
Kennedy Center for Mental Health Policy and Research at Morehouse School of Medicine
Lois & Larry Frank
The Mabra Firm
Medical Association of Georgia
Mercer College of Health Professions
Nelson Mullins




Albany ARC
Aliyya Haque
American Academy of Pediatrics, Georgia Chapter
American College of Physicians, Georgia Chapter
Jay & Jackie Berkelhamer
Allyson Burroughs
Sylvia Caley
Dekalb Medical Center
Representative Stacey Evans
GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students
Georgia Budget & Policy Institute
Georgia Charitable Care Network
Georgia’s AllStar Dental Academy and  Dental Hygienists’ Association
Georgia WAND
Georgia Watch
Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta
Julie Edelson
Linda Lowe
Dante McKay
Memorial Health
Planned Parenthood Southeast
Monica Ponder
Shepherd Center
Lewis & Joanie Shubin
Andy & Maura George Simpson
Marci Thomas
UGA College of Public Health
United Way of Greater Atlanta
Voices for Georgia’s Children


7 Weeks with GHF

Meet our new intern Victoria!

VictoriaAs the newest member of GHF, I am excited to spend the next seven weeks with the GHF team as they work to bridge the coverage gap, improve health insurance literacy, and reduce health disparities in the state of Georgia. This internship will not only provide an amazing experience to learn more about consumer health care issues, but it will allow me to pursue a passion of mine,  helping people to improve their health. During my time here I will assist in conducting outreach and education and engage in health care policy advocacy during the legislative session.

Interning at GHF isn’t just an opportunity to learn about health care issues in Georgia. I am looking forward to applying and use all of the knowledge and skills I gain here in my future career and in my civic life. I hope to learn more about health policies and programs and their impact on Georgians, how to build sustainable coalitions, and how to create and improve media messages. I also look forward to learning how to brainstorm and implement new ways to do community outreach. This internship will serve as part of my last semester at the State University of New York at Potsdam, providing me with a Bachelors degree in both Community Health and French. After graduation I hope to pursue a career  in health policy advocacy, recreational therapy, international health education, being an entrepreneur on health topics, or nutrition education. This internship will be another step towards my future career. I look forward to working with all of you during my time at GHF.

by Victoria Congleton

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GHF In The News

Feb 14, 2025
As States Mull Medicaid Work Requirements, Two With Experience Scale Back
Renuka Rayasam and Sam Whitehead

President Donald Trump’s return to the White House sent a clear signal about Medicaid to Republicans across the country: Requiring enrollees to prove they are working, volunteering, or going to…
