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2 Action Alerts: YES on housing & NO to bans on youth health services!

Make your voice heard! The Senate Rules committee needs to hear from you about 2 bills! 

How can you help? Both action alerts below are directed towards the Senate Rules Committee. Calls are more effective than emails. We suggest starting with two calls to Committee Chair Matt Brass (404-656-0057) and Vice Chair Frank Ginn (404-656-9222) about both bills. Calls to other committee members are also encouraged! Refer to the action alerts below for helpful talking points and please be respectful and courteous to whoever answers the phone.

Thank you for your advocacy! 


GHF legislative update: March 11

Legislative Update: Week 9

In this week’s update:

  • Action alert: Urge Senators to modify HB 1339!
  • Amended FY25 budget updates 
  • Bills on the move: Parental leave and children’s residential treatment programs 
  • Crossover Day correction: HB 1125
  • Advocacy events: Housing Day at the Capitol
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!

Action alert: Urge your Senators to amend HB 1339!


GHF legislative update: March 4

Legislative Update: Crossover Day Recap

Thursday was the 28th day of the Georgia legislative session, which is also called Crossover Day. Crossover Day is the final day for a bill to cross from its chamber of origin to the opposite chamber to remain viable for this legislative session.

Today, we run down which consumer health bills made it through and which did not. We have primarily focused on bills that were covered in our previous legislative updates.

Note: After the flurry of activity on Thursday, we are still working to update our legislative tracker with the current status of each bill. While many are updated, it is best to find the bill you are interested in and click through to find the full information about the bill’s status on legis.ga.gov. 


GHF legislative update: February 26

Legislative Update: Week 7

In this week’s update:

  • New bill would study options to close Georgia’s coverage gap 
  • Cover Georgia is at the Capitol today! Advocate with us!  
  • Legislation GHF is tracking 
  • Legislation on the move 
  • Advocacy events for your calendar
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!

What Public Health Workers Have to Say About The State of Public Health In Georgia

Public health is the science of protecting and improving Georgians’ health and the health of our communities where we live, work, and play. Public health workers, agencies, and laws make it possible to track disease outbreaks, safely drink water from our faucets and eat at restaurants, and help community residents learn healthy behaviors and understand why some of us are more likely to experience poor health than others. 



GHF legislative update: February 19

Legislative Update: Week 6

In this week’s update:

  • Thank you for showing up! 
  • Cover Georgia Advocacy Day: Feb. 26th 
  • Budget update
  • Legislation: workforce, workforce, workforce!
  • Advocacy events for your calendar
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!


GHF legislative update: February 12

Legislative Update: Week 5

In this week’s update:

  • Action Alert: Ask Senate Judicary Committee members to vote “Yes” on HB 404 at today’s hearing! 
  • Budget update
  • Legislation GHF is keeping up with
  • Advocacy events for your calendar
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!

Action Alert: Before today’s hearing, urge committee members to support HB 404

Georgians deserve quality housing! 

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hear HB 404: Safe at Home Act  today at 4pm. Please call or email committee members and ask them to vote YES on HB 404, with no weakening amendments.


GHF legislative update: February 5

Legislative Update: Week 4

In this week’s update:

  • Action Alert: Urge Senate Judicary Committee members to support HB 404!
  • GHF remembers Rep. Richard Smith
  • Legislation GHF is keeping up with
  • Advocacy events for your calendar
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!

GHF legislative update: January 29


The GHF team loves bringing you these weekly legislative updates, and you have told us that you enjoy reading them! Our team works hard to deliver this service to you in a complete and accurate way every week of Georgia’s legislative session. If you rely on these updates to keep you connected to the health happenings under the Gold Dome, please consider supporting our work with a donation today. Thank you very much!

In this week’s update:

  • Action Alert: RSVP your spot for Mental Health Parity Day at the Capitol!
  • Mental Health bills hitting early 
  • Other legislation GHF is keeping up with
  • The General Assembly 2024 calendar
  • Advocacy events for your calendar
  • GHF’s got you covered this session!

GHF legislative update: January 22


The 2024 legislative session has begun

The Georgia General Assembly convened Monday, Jan. 8th to officially kick off this year’s 40-day legislative session. 

Just two days later, Speaker Burns shared his optimism for closing Georgia’s coverage gap, and Democrats held a hearing about the very same issue. You’ll find details about both below. 

On Thursday, Jan. 11th, GHF hosted Health Care Unscrambled 2024 and discussed our 2023-2024 policy priorities. Thank you to those who attended HCU! To revisit HCU 2024 or see what you missed, check out our recap, a full recording of the event, and materials here.

On the same day, Governor Kemp delivered his State of the State address and released his budget proposals for the current state budget and next year’s budget. We detailed some health-related highlights for you below. 

Last week began with Martin Luther King Jr. Day and continued as “budget week”. House and Senate Appropriations Committee members held joint hearings during which state agency leaders presented their budget requests and reviewed agency spending. 

Lawmakers are set to reconvene today for Legislative Day 6. The full legislative session calendar is available here.


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Best intentions of Georgia 2022 behavioral health insurance law fall short with slow implementation
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