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Archives: Bills

Georgia Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias State Plan

To ensure that the Georgia Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias State Plan be updated every four years

Social Services; temporary assistance for needy families

To increase access to social benefits for needy families

Georgia Health Care Professionals Data System

To establish the Georgia Health Care Professionals Data System

Establishment of a pilot program for hospitals to purchase and sell charity care credits

Creates a pilot program for hospitals to purchase and sell charity care credits to meet their charity care requirements

Georgia Pharmacy Practice Act – revise definition

Revises definition of “pharmacy care”

Mental Health bill

Aims to address those with BH issues that frequently interact with justice system and law enforcement, increase BH workforce, increase state capacity for in-patient BH care, and increase Medicaid spending on BH

Health; reimbursement of patient incurred expenses related to participation in a cancer clinical trial

To authorize the reimbursement of patient expenses that relate to participation in a cancer clinical trial

Social services; Medicaid coverage of rapid whole genome sequencing

For Medicaid to cover rapid whole genome sequencing

Domestic relations; authorize child support and insurance policies for certain disabled children

To authorize child support and insurance policies for disabled children that are of legal age but are unable to support themselves independently

Health; use of certified medication aides in penal institutions

To authorize the use of certified medication aides in penal institutions

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GHF In The News

Nov 1, 2024
Georgia Pathways to Coverage Medicaid program too limited, too costly, analysis finds
Jess Mador

More than a year after the state launched the Pathways to Coverage program, offering Medicaid in exchange for work or other state-approved activities, advocates say the program is too difficult…
