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Archives: Bills

Pharmacies; board regulates sale and supply of opioid agonists through vending machines

Authorize pharmacies to supply opioid antagonists like Narcan through vending machines and other methods, and to provide for immunity for  someone who distributes these agonists.

Health; certificate of need; revise

Revise Certificate of Need for rural hospitals, and to create the Comprehensive Health Coverage Commission to investigate possible Medicaid Expansion in Georgia.

Hospital Medicaid Financing, extend sunset provision

Extend the sunset provision on the Hospital Medicaid Financing Program.

State employees’ health insurance plan; protection for covered persons when an in-network hospital becomes out of network prior to the end of year plan

State employees covered by a state health plan are covered when a hospital becomes out-of-network before the end of the plan year.

EmPATH Georgia Act

Establish a grant program to create EmPATH units in hospitals (Emergency Pscyhiatirc Assemessment, Treatment, and Healing)

Courts; juvenile treatment court divisions; create

Create juvenile court divisions with alternative ajudidications

Support Georgia Family Caregivers Act

Change what caregiving expenses can be counted toward the caregiving expense tax credit, as well as increasing the tax credit.

Georgia Tenant Protection and Mediation Act

Provide for residential eviction diversion programs for disabled and low-income people in order to avoid eviction of these people.

Mortgages; senior and disabled persons foreclosure protection fund and project

Provide protection against mortgage foreclosures to senior and disabled individuals.

Georgia Commission on Maternal and Infant Health; create

Create a Georgia Commission on Maternal and Infant Health in the Georgia Department of Public Health

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Apr 17, 2024
Medicaid expansion gains momentum in holdout states
Erin Durkin

The idea of expanding Medicaid is gaining momentum in the last holdout states, with eyes on Mississippi as the next potential state to take up the policy. As of 2024,…
