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Archives: Bills

Insurance, annual notification by insurers to male insured for coverage of prostate specific-antigen tests

Requires DOI regulated plans to notify each insured male of the coverage of annual prostate cancer screening when they turn 40

Safer Hospitals Act

Enhanced penalties for aggravated assault against hospital employees

Juvenile Code; a uniform process to assume custody of children as a result of disposition orders;

To create a uniform process to assume custody of children from disposition orders

Nurses; licensure of advanced practice registered nurses

To provide licensure requirements for advanced practice registered nurses

Eliminate Certificate of Need requirements for all health care facilities except certain long-term care facilities and services

To eliminate the certificate of need requirements for all health care facilities except for long term care facilities and services

General Assembly; cardiopulmonary training to be offered to members and staff of the General Assembly and members of Capitol Police Division

To provide cardiopulmonary training to the members and staff of the General Assembly and the Capitol Police Division

Insurance; autism; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

To update the reference to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to cover autism

Sexual Assault Reform Act of 2023

To authorize the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council to both create and operate a state-wide sexual assault tracking system

Health, eligibility to receive tax credits

To increase the tax credit limit that are contributed by corporate donors to rural hospital organizations

Insurance; benefit provider to disclose certain payments to a treating healthcare provider

For benefit providers to disclose payments to treating healthcare providers

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Nov 1, 2024
Georgia Pathways to Coverage Medicaid program too limited, too costly, analysis finds
Jess Mador

More than a year after the state launched the Pathways to Coverage program, offering Medicaid in exchange for work or other state-approved activities, advocates say the program is too difficult…
