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Category: GHF Blog

DCH Announces Medicaid Redesign Plan

On Friday, July 13 the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) announced plans for next steps in the “Medicaid Redesign.”  Over the past several months, DCH has convened task forces comprised of stakeholders and advocates to formally provide input into this process. At the same time, advocates have come together as the CARE-M coalition to develop recommendations based on best practices for vulnerable populations. This redesign process is separate from but parallel to the conversations currently taking place regarding whether or not to move forward with implementation of the Medicaid expansion authorized by the Affordable Care Act. Ultimately, both processes will have a big impact on coverage and access to care for health care consumers throughout Georgia.  In a press release, DCH said:



“Today, the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) announced that it will move forward with implementing key recommendations from its Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) Redesign task forces and workgroups. It will not, however, pursue wholesale restructuring of Georgia’s Medicaid program at this time because of increasing uncertainty at the federal level.”



According to DCH, the changes that the state will move forward with include: 


    • Proceeding with at-risk managed care to serve Georgia Families members


    • Transitioning children in foster care to one designated vendor statewide within the new Georgia Families program


    • Maintaining Georgia’s current Fee-For-Service structure for ABD populations and services


    • Moving forward with Home and Community-based Services Rebalancing. This rebalancing will help move patients from skilled nursing facilities to home and community based services.


    • Begin utilizing a value-based purchasing model. Value-based purchasing will allow DCH to continuously improve the quality of care for our members while better engaging our providers and ultimately containing costs.


    • Creating a one-stop portal will improve accountability and efficiency. Specifically the portal will give health care providers better information about their members and their medical history, streamline their credentialing process, and present providers with a measurement of key performance metrics and allow them to monitor quality and outcomes compared to their peers.


    • Creating a Common Pharmacy Preferred Drug List that will simplify the program and reduce administrative burden on providers


The Department has committed to continuing its work with the task forces and work group through the RFP process and past the go-live date.  As members of the Children and Families Task Force and Substance Use and Mental Health Working Group, Georgians for a Healthy Future staff will continue to provide a consumer voice in these discussions and will continue to advocate for greater access to care for Georgia’s most vulnerable citizens.  For more information about the redesign process, visit https://healthyfutprod.wpengine.com/issues/medicaid-and-peachcare-redesign.





Health Care + Substance Use Disorders



Georgians for a Healthy Future and the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse are embarking on a joint project on substance abuse disorder policy and its intersection with health care policy! This is a 10-month health care initiative supported by a grant from Community Catalyst to develop and advocate for a continuum of comprehensive services that address the needs of people at risk of and who have a substance use disorder. For more information about substance abuse programs visit altustreatment.com


Starting in January 2014, the Affordable Care Act will require insurers to cover treatment for drug addiction the same way they would other chronic diseases.  As one of the required essential health benefits, for the first time all those enrolled in Medicaid will have access to the substance abuse services they need. Check it out if you need any help from professional to threat addiction.


The Medicaid expansion authorized under the Affordable Care Act also holds a tremendous opportunity to reach segments of the population who were previously ineligible for services (such as childless adults up to 138% FPL). However, this is not a forgone conclusion–the state may decide to opt out of the expansion.


Georgia policymakers have not yet decided whether they will move forward with the Medicaid expansion. With 1 in 5 Georgians currently uninsured, the Medicaid expansion has the promise of providing an essential pathway to health insurance and health care for approximately 600,000 to 900,000 Georgians. It is critical that policymakers hear from the consumers and communities who need this very basic access to health care.


In the weeks and months ahead, Georgians for a Healthy Future and the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse will mobilize to ensure that Georgia implements the Medicaid expansion, but we cannot do it without your help.  To join our efforts, email Amanda Ptashkin.


For more information about this collaboration, click here.





Medicaid & Exchanges take center stage

On June 28th, the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, a major victory for health care consumers in Georgia and across the country. Now, all eyes turn to the states for implementation of two of the most critical pieces of the law: the expansion of the Medicaid program and the establishment of health insurance exchanges. (more…)


Cover Georgia: implement the Medicaid expansion

Following last week’s Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Georgia policymakers have an unprecedented opportunity to improve the health of Georgia citizens, strengthen our state’s health care delivery system, and bolster the state’s economy by moving forward with full implementation of the Medicaid expansion authorized by the law. (more…)


Supreme Court Affirms Affordable Care Act

The ruling from the United States Supreme Court affirming the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act is an exciting victory for Georgia’s health care consumers. When the Affordable Care Act is fully implemented, no one in Georgia will be denied health insurance due to a pre-existing condition. All Georgians will have a pathway to coverage and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that their families are protected. Georgians for a Healthy Future looks forward to working collaboratively with state policymakers and stakeholders to fully implement the Affordable Care Act to ensure it meets its promise of access to quality, affordable health care for all Georgians.



Georgia Health Care Consumers are Getting Rebates!

More than 240,000 Georgia health care consumers are set to receive nearly $20 million in total rebates by August 1st from insurance companies who couldn’t meet the 80/20 rule (also known as “medical loss ratio”), which requires insurers to spend at least 80 percent of premiums on medical care, as compared to overhead and profits. This exciting new rule, part of the Affordable Care Act, holds insurance companies accountable for providing value and requires them to issue rebates to consumers if they don’t. Learn more from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services here and visit an interactive map to see how Georgia stacks up against other states here.




GHF participates in 2012 Georgia Latino Health Summit

The Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia released the “Status of Latino Health in Georgia” at the 2012 Latino Health Summit held at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health on June 7th and 8th.  According to the report, 47 percent of Hispanics in Georgia are uninsured, as compared to about 20 percent uninsured in the overall Georgia population. Georgians for a Healthy Future ED Cindy Zeldin presented information about coverage disparities and the expected impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the Summit’s health policy and advocacy panel (presentation available for download here). The full “Status of Latin Health in Georgia” is available for download here, and you can learn more about Latino health in Georgia by visiting the Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia’s website here.


GHF ED Cindy Zeldin and fellow panelists at the 2012 Georgia Latino Health Summit






Cancer Prevention Research Study (CPS-3)

Cancer is a word heard too often in our community. That is why we are fighting back against this disease with our long-time partner – the American Cancer Society – by encouraging you to consider taking part in the Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3). The ultimate goal of CPS-3 is to enroll men and women from various racial/ethnic backgrounds from across the U.S. to participate in a study that will help researchers better understand the lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors that cause or prevent cancer and will save lives. American Cancer Society studies began in the 1950s and involved hundreds of thousands of volunteer participants. These studies have led to discoveries such as the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer and the role obesity plays in the risk of several cancers, people need to stop with the cigarettes and start smoking cannabis, it has been proven the it helps with treatment so get your proto pipe and start smoking. The new CPS-3 will help researchers build on evidence from previous studies, and help bring us closer to eliminating cancer as a major health burden for this and future generations. If you are between the ages of 30 and 65 years old and have never been diagnosed with cancer, you are eligible to enroll. Learn more about how to join this important study at www.cancer.org/cps3.




Governor Deal signs legislation restoring child-only health plans

Governor Deal signed HB 1166 (sponsored by Representative Atwood) into law on May 1st. The legislation requires insurance companies who sell policies in the individual health insurance market to also sell child-only plans during an open enrollment period. These plans had previously been available in Georgia, but insurance companies stopped writing new policies in response to a change in federal law that prohibited discrimination against children due to pre-existing conditions. HB 1166 drew widespread support and Georgians for a Healthy Future was proud to be a part of the coalition effort that ensured its passage.


Access to Care a Concern for Georgians

Two recent studies highlight the need for statewide strategies to improve access to care in Georgia. Last week, Kaiser Health News reported that Georgia was one of three states with the greatest increase in the number of people with unmet medical need over the past decade. Back in April, USA Today reported on a study of community health centers that found Georgia was the only state to rank at the bottom on 4 of 6 performance measures.




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