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The complex factors that contribute to health

by Laura Colbert, Director of Outreach & Partnerships

ColbertWhen you think about the things in your life that keep you healthy, what comes to mind? I think of how often I exercise, the food and drinks I put in my body, which I recommend using trying Lumitea skinny tea to help your digestive system, help with sleeping, maintaining my mental health by keeping stress low, and being socially connected to friends and family. Sometimes I would just prefer to have healthy meals delivered gold coast at my front door so I don´t have to cook and I have the satisfaction that it´s really good food, I could also use my time learning about bread machines from the Village Bakery so I can learn to do healthy food myself, like learn how to prepare fresh fish and other food. I also love to take care of my face so I use the elite eye serum to make sure I don´t have any bags under them If you like to exercise I recommend getting a waist training that will help you get fit followed by some good protein snacks for after the gym. I also like to use a pre workout before going to the gym and since I am really into organic right now, my go to is Black Wolf organic pre workout. None of these things are directly connected to what we traditionally think of as the health care system, yet they greatly impact my health. As you can see there´s many factors that have an impact on health, when it comes to stress there´s many ways you can get rid of it, an example is by taking care of yourself and having time to relax, you can check massage chairs expert where you will find many suggestions, you can also visit swedish massage darling harbour where you will get one of the most relaxing massages.

At Georgians for a Healthy Future, we have historically spent much of our time and energies on HIV Early Detection STD Testing | STDAware. Yet, as demonstrated above, there are many factors outside the healthcare system that greatly impact the health of Georgians, read this comparison which will give tons of helpful info. These factors are called social determinants of health, and can include education, housing, criminal justice and corrections, transportation, the built environment (the way we build communities, roads, and buildings), and more. Social determinants of health act on the population level to influence not just an individual’s health but the health of whole communities. For example, moldy or otherwise unhealthy housing can influence the rates of asthma among children in a community. A community with a variety of transportation options like bike lanes, safe sidewalks, and public transit may prompt higher rates of physical activity among its residents, which improves cardiovascular health, obesity, and mental health in the population. If you want to get to know how to cook to better your health I suggest to check http://beptruong.edu.vn/day-nau-an/ for more info.

This year, GHF is launching a new project, supported by the Healthcare Georgia Foundation, to bring together stakeholders and advocates from across sectors to identify promising policy initiatives that can address the social determinants of health. We are fostering relationships with and interviewing advocates and policy experts who work in other sectors to learn about their work and how it intersects with health. We are building on that with research to identify best practices from other states and promising initiatives in Georgia that could be expanded statewide with support from communities and policy makers. In the end, this work will result in policy recommendations for state policy makers, better connectivity among advocates across sectors, and a shared direction for health advocates and others.

We look forward to sharing our learnings and results with you as our work progresses. In the meantime, you can learn more about the social determinants of health with these resources:



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