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Legislative Update March 1, 2016: Crossover Day Edition


policy-prioritiesCrossover day is behind us and we are quickly approaching Sine Die, the final day of the legislative session. We are proud to say that one of GHF’s biggest legislative priorities – ensuring accurate provider directories for health care consumers – passed the full Senate unanimously last week! Thank you to those of you who contacted your legislators to voice your support! This week’s legislative update includes an a run down of which health care bills made it through Crossover Day and which did not. You can see a list of all the bills were’re tracking here along with supplemental information on most bills like relevant news, articles ad committee testimony delivered by GHF.



The Provider Directory Improvement Act
Last week SB 302 went for a vote in the Senate chamber and passed unanimously, 50 – 0! The bill is now in the House Insurance Committee where we expect it to receive a hearing soon. Join the Georgia Health Action Network(GHAN) to get important alerts about committee hearings, votes, and steps you can take to make sure your voice is heard at the Gold Dome!

Surprise Out-of-Network Billing
SB 382, the Surprise Billing and Consumer Protection Act had two hearings last week. While there is strong support for the legislation among consumer advocates and many health care stakeholders, hit did not pass through the Senate Health and Human Services Committee prior to Crossover Day. SR 974 is still a possible path to bring Senate-side policymakers together with stakeholders and advocates in the off-session to further study this complex issue.

Medicaid Payment Parity
The governor’s budget, introduced earlier this legislative session, maintained last year’s partial Medicaid payment parity. Full Medicaid parity would allow doctors to be reimbursed at the same rates for seeing Medicaid patients as Medicare patients. The FY 2017 budget, as passed by the House, adds $26.5 million for for Medicaid payment parity. The bill is now in the Senate for consideration.

Closing Georgia’s Coverage Gap
If you’ve been following our updates, you know that this session has seen growing interest in addressing the issue of Georgia’s uninsured rate and our struggling rural health infrastructure. Neither Sen. Rhett’s SB 368 nor Rep. Abram’s HB 823 crossed over. However, Sen. Rhett’s SR 1056, which proposes a study committee to look at approaches to covering the uninsured, is still viable as a Senate-side study committee (but would still need to pass through the Senate HHS Committee and the full Senate) and stakeholders continue to express interest in continuing the conversation passed the legislative session.


  • HB 919: Tax credits  for contributions to rural health care organizations – CROSSED OVER
    HB 919 passed out of the House on February 25 and is now in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. The total cap for the tax credits was reduced from $250 million to $100 million. GHF encourages policymakers to look at this legislation in conjunction with other bills around closing the coverage gap and addressing rural health so that we can tackle our rural health challenges comprehensively, including developing a pathway for rural, uninsured Georgians to gain coverage so they can better access health care services and finding a solution that can drawn down federal dollars available to the state through the Medicaid program.
  • HB 838: Health insurers to pay brokers a minimum of 4% of premiums collected – CROSSED OVER
    This bill passed out of the House on February 24th and is now in the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee.
  • HB 1055: Repeal Certificate of Need program – DID NOT CROSS OVER
    CON regulates the construction of health care facilities and the services they provide. This bill would have eliminate that structure and set up a different one based on permits. Read more on this bill from Georgia Health News.
  • HB 684: To allow dental hygienists to provide certain services without direct supervision –  DID NOT CROSS OVER
    According to recent reports made on https://www.life-smiles.net/, this bill would have allowed dental hygienists to clean teeth in safety-net health centers with the permission of a dentist. Read more about the bill here.
  • HB 965: “The Honorable Jimmy Carter Cancer Treatment Access Act” – CROSSED OVER
    HB 965 would require that insurance companies cover stage four cancer treatment recommended by a physician regardless of cancer’s response to other treatments. The bill passed the House on February 22nd and is now in the Senate Insurance and Labor Committee.
  • SB 158: “Insurer Transparency Act” – CROSSED OVER
    This bill defines and regulates rental networks through the Department of Insurance. SB 158 passed the Senate on February 16th and is now in the House Insurance Committee. Read: great guide to tenant screening
  • HB 768: The ABLE Act – CROSSED OVER
    The ABLE Act would establish a tax exempt account to pay for qualified expenses for people with significant disabilities that started before the age of 26. HB 768 passed the House on February 23rd and is now in the Senate Finance Committee.
  • SB 299: “Georgia Health Care Transparency Initiative” – DID NOT CROSS OVER 
    SB 299 proposed to create the Georgia Health Care Transparency Initiative and an all-payer claims database.
  • SB 291: “Georgia Affordable Free Market Health Care Act” – DID NOT CROSS OVER
    SB 291 proposed to allow direct contracts between physicians and patients for primary care services.
  • HB 834: Establish charity care organizations for healthcare for the uninsured – DID NOT CROSS OVER
    This bill proposed tax credits for donations to charity care organizations.
  • HB 694: Disclosure of Health Care Fees Act – DID NOT CROSS OVER
    HB 694 would proposed to require providers to disclose all fees prior to non-emergency services.
  • SB 265: Physician Direct Pay Act – DID NOT CROSS OVER
    SB 265 proposed to allow direct contracts between physicians and patients for primary care services.


As SB 302 moves over to the House for consideration, we talked to Sen. Elena Parent about why she supports the Provider Directory Improvement Act.

Elena Parent Thumbnail


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