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Staff and Board of Directors


Photo of Laura Colbert

Laura Colbert

Executive Director

Photo of Knetta Adkins

Knetta Adkins

Director of Partnerships and Outreach

Photo of Lois Hairston

Lois Hairston

Content Development Manager

Photo of Anthony Hill

Anthony Hill

Strategic Communications Manager

Photo of Deanna Williams

Deanna Williams

Enrollment Assister

Photo of Angelica Rivera

Angelica Rivera

Enrollment Assister

Board of Directors

Photo of Dewanna Burke, Chair

Dewanna Burke, Chair

Health Care Marketing Manager

Photo of Sar Medoff, Chair Elect

Sar Medoff, Chair Elect


Photo of Davida Jones, Treasurer

Davida Jones, Treasurer

Forensic Accounting Consultant

Photo of Abbie Fuksman, Secretary

Abbie Fuksman, Secretary

Health Care Executive (Retired)

Photo of Kate Brady

Kate Brady

PhD, ABD - Researcher and Disability Advocate

Photo of Jennifer L Baugh

Jennifer L Baugh

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)

Photo of Zerita C. Buchanan

Zerita C. Buchanan

DDS, MPH - Dentist

Photo of Deric Gilliard

Deric Gilliard

Communications Professional

Photo of Berneta L. Haynes

Berneta L. Haynes

Senior Attorney

Photo of Wayne K. Hoffman, MD

Wayne K. Hoffman, MD

Family Physician (retired)

Photo of Amir Jones

Amir Jones

Certified Application Counselor

Photo of Abeni Lee

Abeni Lee

Healthcare Executive

Photo of Jennifer Murphy

Jennifer Murphy

Public Health Professional

Photo of Rachel Stanley

Rachel Stanley

Nonprofit Fundraiser

Photo of Kai Stewart

Kai Stewart

Public Health Practitioner

Photo of Bob Trammell

Bob Trammell

Attorney and Government Relations

Photo of Christine Wiggins

Christine Wiggins

Public Health Practitioner