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Peach Pulse: March 2018

Appropriations Health Subcommittee Heard HB 669, Discussed Bi-partisan Desire to Increase Access to Care Tuesday morning the House Appropriations Health Subcommittee met for a hearing about HB 669, a bill that would close Georgia’s coverage gap by extending health insurance to low-income Georgians as allowed by the Affordable Care Act. Minority Leader Bob Trammell presented the bill to the committee and outlined how the bill would bolster economic activity in rural Georgia, increase access to care for low-income Georgians, and be a smart investment of tax-payer dollars. Committee members asked questions about the bill’s impact on people with mental health conditions and the costs and savings of the bill, and all expressed a desire to find a common solution to Georgia’s high uninsured rate and barriers to health care. No vote was taken on HB 669, so the bill remains in the House Appropriations Health subcommittee. We are hopeful that this hearing will prompt continued conversation about closing the coverage gap. You can help by thanking the members of the committee and asking them to ensure the conversation moves forward towards a solution. Contact them now!
Rep. Butch Parrish – Chairman Phone:404.463.2247 Email: butch.parrish@house.ga.gov Rep. Lee Hawkins – Vice Chair Phone: 404.656.0213 Email: lee.hawkins@house.ga.gov
Rep. Pat Gardner Phone: 404.656.0265 Email: pat@patgardner.org Rep. Carolyn Hugley Phone: 404.656.5058 Email: carolyn.hugley@house.ga.gov
Rep. Ron Stephens Phone: 404.656.5115 Email: ron.stephens@house.ga.gov Rep. Darlene Taylor Phone: 404.656.7857 Email: darlene.taylor@house.ga.gov
For a more detailed account of the hearing make sure to check our latest blog post by clicking here.

Georgia legislative session ends next week

Georgia’s state legislative session is winding down as Sine Die (the last day of the session) approaches on March 29th. With this deadline approaching, some health care bills have seen significant changes and others have been successfully passed. Check out the most recent developments by reading our latest legislative update here. In the final days of the 2018 session, expect to see continued debate over how to best address substance use and recovery, the behavioral health needs of students, surprise out of network medical bills, tobacco taxation and regulation, and more. REGISTER NOW! Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and Georgians for a Healthy Future will be presenting “Changes in Health Care and Policy in the 2018 Georgia Legislative Session” on Thursday, April 19th at 10:00 AM. Register here.  
Congressional debates over health care continue as part of spending negotiations  
      Over the last month or so, Congress has been focused on spending negotiations in order to pass a spending bill to fund the government for the remainder of the year and avoid a government shutdown. Health care continues to be a major topic in these conversations, especially in the Senate where activity surrounds efforts to stabilize the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance Marketplace. There is little agreement among Senate Republicans and Democrats about how to accomplish the shared goal of lowering health insurance premiums for health care consumers who purchase their coverage through the Marketplace; however, discussions are on-going. Congress is scheduled to be on recess March 24-April 8.
GHF and Step Up Savannah co-host health advocacy training!  
      GHF and Step Up Savannah are partnering to host a health advocacy training on Tuesday, April 3rd. The event will be held at 6 pm at the United Way building at 428 Bull Street, Savannah, Ga. Participants will learn how they can participate and lead health advocacy efforts and recieve information about passing health advocacy issues in Georgia. Representatives from Healthy Savannah and Safety Net will also be in attendance to share local resources. If you live in and around Savannah and would like to attend the training, contact Robyn Wainner, Director at Step Up Savannah, 912.232.6747, rwainner@stepupsavannah.org. Interested in hosting a similar training in your community? We want to partner with you to make that happen! Contact Alyssa Green at agreen@healthyfuturega.org for more information.
Michelle Conde joins GHF staff
    GHF welcomed Michelle Conde as its new Communications & Special Projects Manager in early March. In this role, Michelle will manage GHF’S external communication channels (email, social media, earned media) and leverage social media for digital advocacy. She will also provide policy research support as needed and contribute to the organization’s policy analysis efforts. We are so pleased to have Michelle join the GHF team. For more on Michelle and for her contact information, click here.
Bill Would Let ‘Micro-Hospitals’ in Rural Georgia Counties WABE  |  March 16, 2018
Nurse sponsors bill critics say would ease sales of tobacco in Georgia Atlanta Journal Constitution  |  February 27, 2018

Peach Pulse: January 2017




Georgians for a Healthy Future will be at the Capitol throughout the forty-day session to monitor health-related legislation, serve as a voice for health care consumers, and keep you informed about opportunities to engage and take action. For the past four years, our top policy priority has been closing Georgia’s coverage gap by expanding Medicaid. In the wake of 2016 elections, the national policy landscape has shifted considerably, knocking that off the table this year and placing existing coverage, care, and consumer protections at risk. Despite the backdrop of uncertainty and a critical need for federal advocacy, there will be important decisions made over the next three months at the state level that impact the health of individuals, families, and communities.

While it is early, here are the major health care issues that we expect legislators to tackle in 2017:
  • Renewal of the provider fee, commonly known as the “hospital tax” or “bed tax” to help fund Medicaid and keep hospital doors open
  • Development of a set of reforms to improve mental health services based on recommendations from a legislative study committee
  • Creation of a Health Reform Task Force to assess the impact of change to or repeal of the Affordable Care Act on Georgia
  • Addressing the practice of surprise medical billing, which can leave insured consumers with unexpected bills when a health care provider is out-of-network
  • Increasing reimbursement rates for primary care services for health care providers participating in Medicaid
  • Improving access to dental care for children, seniors, and people with disabilities

Georgians for a Healthy Future has several ways for you to stay up-to-date on what’s happening under the Gold Dome this year:

Stay tuned for updates throughout the Legislative Session!






Join us for a webinar previewing state & national health policy in 2017
It’s a time of uncertainty for health care. Congressional leaders have already begun the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act. With the legislative session already underway, state leaders have acknowledged that something must be done about Georga’s high number of uninsured, the state’s struggling rural health care system, and impending funding cuts to hospitals. With so much uncertainty and change, it may be hard to keep track of what’s going on in health policy.

We will help sort out the confusion, and discuss expected & proposed changes at both the state and national levels. Join us for a look ahead at health policy 2017.






Coverage, care, and consumer protections hang in the balance for millions of Georgians as Congress considers major changes to health care policy. If the Affordable Care Act is repealed without an adequate replacement, one million Georgians would lose coverage and more than70,000 jobs would be lost in Georgia. Learn more by downloading our new fact sheet here and contact Senators Isakson and Perdue today!







Tickets to Health Care Unscrambled are still available but time is running out. This annual event provides a special opportunity for health care advocates and stakeholders to hear from state policy makers about what they plan to address in the year ahead. We’ll also take a step back and look at the national context. We’ll have a conversation with our panel of national advocates about what is ahead and what advocates should be thinking about in this time of change for health care consumers. Join us!










We previously announced that GHF has been awarded a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta. The Foundation works to connect the passions of philanthropists with the purpose of nonprofits. GHF’s board welcomed Kathy Palumbo of the CFGA at the December board meeting to recognize and celebrate the award. Thank you to the CFGA for this opportunity and your partnership.





Interstate health insurance sales had tryout in Georgia
Georgia Health News |  December 7, 2016

Georgia Lawmakers, Advocates, Uninsured Await Healthcare Changes
WABE | December 9, 2016

With its future cloudy, ACA continues to draw rising enrollment
Georgia Health News | December 21, 2016

Signing up for Obamacare in a time of change
GBP | December 29, 2016






Peach Pulse: November, 2016


Recently released HHS numbersenrollment-pic show that health insurance enrollment in Georgia and across the country is going strong. The Affordable Care Act is what has made these coverage gains possible, yet Congress has prioritized repealing this landmark legislation without clarifying what would replace it. We need your stories and your voice to ensure our policymakers understand the consequences of repealing the law. Please consider submitting your story, or the stories of the people that you serve, of how the ACA has benefited you. Whether it’s being able to afford coverage through the availability of tax credits, not being denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition, or being able to stay on a parent’s plan until age 26 – we need to hear from you!


Looking forward to 2017 

HCU-2017-IconPlease join us for our 7th annual Health Care Unscrambled policy breakfast. We are excited to host former CMS Deputy Administrator and nationally renowned Medicaid expert, Cindy Mann. As our keynote speaker, she’ll walk through what advocates need to know about how the proposed changes to health care programs like Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and Marketplace coverage being discussed in Washington could impact Georgians, their families, and community. As always, our featured speaker will follow a bipartisan panel of legislators at the forefront of Georgia’s health care debates. Tickets are $50 (and could make a great holiday present!). We hope to see you there!



hbhcHealth Beyond Health Care

In November GHF convened experts and advocates from a range of sectors including housing, criminal justice reform, education, and transportation for a discussion about social determinants and how we can break down silos to advance health. In conjunction with the convening, we released a new publication, Health Beyond Health Care: Opportunities to Advance Health by AddressingSocial Determinants.

You can find photos from the forum on our Facebook page.


new-piktochart_548_3b837d17a37d2ac745157ef82475385c13503dd0GHF raised $4,380 on Georgia Gives Day! 

We are overwhelmed by the over 70 donors who gave so generously on Georgia Gives Day. This year, the health care stakes are higher than ever, and many of the gains we have made over the past several years in health care coverage and access to care are at risk. We will continue to fight for quality, affordable health care for you, your friends and family, and all Georgians. Thank you for supporting our work!


If you unplugged post-election you might have missed our post-election analysis, What’s Next for Health Care Consumers.

The election results have the potential to dramatically shift the health care landscape nationally and here in Georgia. It’s still too soon to know precisely what policy changes will occur and what their impact will be, but advocacy at both the state and federal levels on behalf of Georgians who need access to quality, affordable health care has never been more important. Read more…


amazon-smile-pngDid you know that you can support GHF throughout the holiday season? Amazon Smile allows you to select a nonprofit to support. If you choose GHF, every time you shop through Amazon Smile a portion of your purchase goes to support our mission. Signing up is easy! Thank you for your continued support!


Exchange sign-ups in Georgia higher than last year’s 
Georgia Health News | November 30, 2016

2016 elections already influencing Georgia policy
Augusta Chronicle | November 13, 2016

Georgia Republican could be at center of effort to undo Obamacare
AJC | November 10, 2016

How will a Trump presidency affect health care in Georgia?
Georgia Health News | November 9, 2016


The Peach Pulse: October 2016


CollaboratingWithConsumers-2Collaborating for Consumers 

This August, GHF invited both advocates and enrollment assisters to the second annual Getting Georgia Covered summit. Bringing these two groups together was the first step in fostering ongoing conversations and partnerships to ensure that health coverage translates into meaningful access to care for Georgians. Through the summit, GHF collected feedback and input for a report that highlights how assisters and advocates can team up for consumers. We invite you to read and share Collaborating for Consumers: How Assisters and Advocates Can Inform Policy, in which you will find opportunities and best practices for collaboration to achieve our shared goals.


communityfoundationlogoWe are proud to announce that GHF has been awarded a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. The Foundation works to connect the passions of philanthropists with the purposes of nonprofits. Awards were given through a highly competitive process and we are excited about this partnership as we continue to work to ensure quality, affordable health care for all Georgians. Read the Foundation’s press release.


kcmnbmeaiClosing the Coverage Gap Means More Breast Cancer Screenings for Women

Uninsured, low-income women often face financial barriers to receiving recommended screenings for breast and cervical cancer, and in Georgia, minority women face additional breast cancer disparities. Women who live in expansion states are 25 percent more likely to get screened. Read more.


healthinallpolicies-CopyHealth Beyond Health Care: A Starting Point for Addressing the Social Determinants of Health Through State Policy

There is a growing recognition that factors outside the formal health care system such as safe and affordable housing, access to transportation, and criminal justice reform also impact the health of individuals, families, and communities. Join GHF to discuss how health intersects with these sectors and how advocates from across sectors can work together for policy change.

Go to event page.

HCU-2017-IconHealth Care Unscrambled 2017

Please join us for our seventh annual Health Care Unscrambled breakfast. Each January we bring together legislators and advocates to discuss the health care issues facing Georgians and how this legislative session might address them. This year’s event includes special national speaker, Cindy Mann, former Deputy Administrator and Director of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and a discussion of the upcoming session with a bi-partisan panel of legislators. This event will be held at the Georgia Freight Depot; tickets are $50. Sponsorship opportunities are available.

Go to event page.

We truly enjoyed hosting author Daniel Dawes and all who attended this month’s book conversation. Dawes is a nationally recognized leader in the health equity movement who was instrumental in shaping the Affordable Care Act. Those experiences, as well as the complex history of health reform in America, can be found in his compelling book, 150 Years of Obamacare. We hope you’ll join us for our next event!
More pictures are up on our Facebook page!


Click here to learn more!


Resources for Consumers and Enrollment Assisters
Open enrollment for the Health Insurance Marketplace has begun! Do you need help shopping for a new plan or figuring out how to find a plan that suits your needs? Are you an enrollment assister helping people enroll? Be sure to check out our newly updated “Get Insured. Stay Insured.” toolkit. If you need in-person help, you can go to localhelp.healthcare.gov.


healthcarecostsMarket Changes
Approximately half a million Georgians secure health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace or on the individual market because they don’t have access to coverage at work. As this market matures, policymakers at the state and national levels are engaged in discussions about how to ensure the market remains competitive and premiums are affordable. How is the Marketplace shaping up in Georgia 2017? Stay tuned for our primer coming out this November. It will explain some of the features of the marketplaces that ensure affordability, factors shaping the current landscape, how they factors impact Georgians who shop for plans, and ways in which the marketplaces can be improved at the state level.

The Peach Pulse: September 2016



Thank you to everyone who joined us!

Last week’s 2016 Consumer Health Impact Awards was a truly wonderful event. We enjoyed celebrating Linda Smith Lowe Health Advocacy Award winner Tim Sweeney who flew in from Oregon for the event. Carole Maddux reminded us what selflessness really is. And both Senator P.K. Martin and Representative Stacey Abrams showed us what can happen when our policymakers work together for the benefit of all Georgians.

You can find the rest of the photos on our Facebook page and see if your tweet made our Storify story of the night here.


13_adult-workers…that the majority of Georgians in the coverage gap are working?

They’re working in some of Georgia’s most important economic sectors, such as construction, transportation, education, and retail. Lower-wage workers are less likely to have access to affordable health coverage through their jobs than workers at higher-wage jobs. Closing the coverage gap will increase health coverage for hundreds of thousands of workers without job-based coverage and is a smart investment in hard-working people who enable Georgia to prosper. Share this infographic to spread the word!



But it doesn’t have to be that way.

As we approach the 2017 legislative session, we have the opportunity to close the coverage gap and ensure that some becomes all. Check out our new video about the Georgians stuck in the coverage gap and our opportunity to close it.

We’re asking that you be a part of the movement and contribute $25 to our campaign to close the coverage gap. Your contribution will allow us to travel across the state, meeting with and raising up the voices of Georgians in the gap. It will fund our media efforts so that everyone, from Blue Ridge to Bainbridge, will know that these people can’t wait. The time to close the coverage gap is now.



GHF & Consumer Assistance

Although we are primarily a health advocacy organization, GHF has provided direct enrollment services to Georgians in the last three open enrollment periods. Last year, GHF primarily focused on more complex consumer cases such as resolving coverage issues with the Marketplace and insurance providers, payment issues, tax filing and reconciliation issues, and issues with supplemental documents. How did it go? Read more in Pranay’s blog.

Partnering with Enroll America

GHF is now several weeks into our training partnership with Enroll America. GHF was selected as the first organization, nationally, to participate this year in the Leadership Academy in a train-the-trainer model. Read more about what we’re doing here.


150-years-of-obamacareA Conversation with Author Daniel Dawes
October 25, 2016, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
RiRa, 1080 Peachtree St. NE

For a second installment in our book discussion and networking series, we’re meeting with Daniel Dawes, author of 150 Years of Obamacare.

Attorney Daniel Dawes is a nationally recognized leader in the health equity movement and has led numerous efforts to address health policy issues impacting vulnerable, underserved, and marginalized populations. Dawes was instrumental in shaping the Affordable Care Act and through that experience has come to write 150 Years of Obamacare. The book provides a comprehensive and unprecedented review of the health equity movement and little-known leadership efforts that were crucial to passing important public policies.

Go to event page.

HCU-2017-IconHealth Care Unscrambled 2017
January 12, 2017 7:30 – 11:00 AM
The Freight Depot

It is that time of year! We hope you’ll join us again for Health Care Unscrambled as we look ahead at the 2017 legislative session. Stay tuned for more about our speakers and panelists!

Go to event page.


img_5085GHF Policy Analyst Meredith Gonsahn presents on accurate provider directories

This September, Meredith was asked to present at Community Catalyst’s Southern Health Partners convening. She covered the passage of SB 302, a bill passed in the 2016 legislative session requiring, among other things, that health insurance provider directories be accurate. Wondering how it happened? Check out our new video, How A Bill Becomes Law (For Real).


Augusta hospitals, clinics providing better care
The Augusta Chronicle | September 27

Georgia again ranks high in rate of uninsured
Georgia Health News | September 13

Hall residents lose insurance options as providers pull out of Affordable Care Act
Gainesville Times | September 12

Georgia’s big business key to health care challenge
Marietta Daily Journal | September 7


The Peach Pulse: August 2016

We are heartened that business leaders and health care industry stakeholders recognize the important role that coverage plays in a healthy and productive Georgia. We believe a coverage solution is one that extends coverage to all those Georgians caught in the coverage gap, does not erect unnecessary barriers to care, and maximizes the federal dollars set aside for Georgia. The Chamber’s proposal is an important step in this direction. Read more about the proposals and GHF’s position here.


Recent news articles about the task force proposals:

Task force unveils options to cover uninsured in Georgia | Georgia Health News
Georgia Chamber pitches conservative-friendly blueprint for Medicaid expansion | AJC
Ga. Chamber Releases Plan for Expanding Health Care Access | WABE


05_who-gets-medicaidDid you know that not everyone with a low income qualifies for Medicaid in Georgia today? Georgia has very restrictive Medicaid eligibility guidelines; adults without dependent children do not qualify for Medicaid, regardless of their income. Here’s who qualifies:

  • Elderly, blind, and disabled people with incomes below 75% of the federal poverty line (FPL) – $13,200 for an elderly couple
  • Parents with minor children with annual incomes below 38% FPL or $7,600 for a family of three
  • Pregnant women with incomes below 225% FPL, or $26,500 for an individual
  • Children are eligible for Medicaid and Peachcare at varying incomes levels as they age, and one in two Georiga kids is covered by those programs

If that was new information for you, share the infographic to the left on social media to spread the word.


Who doesn’t love to get mail? 

and age, but it still holds a lot of meaning to most people. If someone took the time to write you a letter to ask you to do something, wouldn’t that get your attention? Now imagine if you got multiple letters asking you to do something for your family, friends, and neighbors. That’s exactly what happened for a majority of Georgia’s state Senate and House members. In July, we mailed out over 1,100 postcards asking our legislators to close Georgia’s coverage gap. Read more about the postcard project here. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, it’s not too late! You can add your name here.

postcards rep-stacey-abrams1 sen-david-lucas


policy-prioritiesStudy committees are right around the corner!

Some of the most pressing and contentious health and insurance issues facing Georgians will be front and center during legislative study committee meetings this fall. Below are the committees in which GHF will be actively engaged on the advocacy and policy fronts:

Senate Study Committee on Surprise Billing Practices (SR 974)
This study committee is charged with assessing laws to protect consumers against surprise billing.

Senate Study Committee on Premium Assistance(SR 1056)
The committee will closely examine models and policies for premium assistance programs as an alternative to Medicaid expansion and is anticipated to be a forum for a robust discussion about policy options to close the coverage gap.

Senate Study Committee on Opioid Abuse (SR 1165)
This study committee will look at legislative approaches Georgia can take to stem the rise of opioid addiction and related overdose deaths.

For more on these and other study committees, check out Meredith’s blog post.


naicGHF’s Executive Director Cindy Zeldin attended the summer meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) last week in her capacity as a consumer representative to the NAIC. Cindy presented information on Georgia’s provider directory legislation (SB 302) on a panel during the meeting’s Consumer Liaison session. The consumer representatives as a group also released a new policy paper on prescription drug access and affordability, Promoting Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs: Policy Analysis and Consumer Recommendations for State Policymakes, ConsuemrAdvocates, and Health Care Stakeholders. Read more about the meeting and report in Cindy’s blog.


Tim Sweeney

For more than 10 years Tim set the standard for reliable and responsible health policy analysis in Georgia. His insights and analysis equipped Georgia’s health advocacy community with the information needed to be a strong voice for consumers. Tim will be awarded the Linda Smith Lowe Health Advocacy Award. More.

Carole Maddux

Carole lives and breathes health care access through her work leading Good Samaritan Health & Wellness Center in Pickens County. She provides a clear, moral voice for systemic change in health care, speaking out on behalf of Medicaid expansion and other important public policies. Carole will receive the Community Impact Award.More.

Rep. Stacey Abrams

As Minority Leader, Rep. Abrams leads her caucus in its efforts to enact legislation across a range of complex issues, always making time for health care. A tireless champion of Medicaid expansion, Rep. Abrams will receive the Powerhouse Policymaker Award. More.

Sen. P.K. Martin

Sen. Martin’s SB 302 is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that sets basic standards for provider directories and protections for consumers who rely on them. A second term legislator who isn’t afraid to take on complicated issues, Sen. Martin will receive the Powerhouse Policymaker Award. More.

abrams-standard-twitter-size-headshot carole-maddux-headhot martin-standar-twitter-size-headshot sweeney-standard-twitter-size-headshot

Tickets are now available! RSVP here.


SBIRT_CranberrySubstance use prevention should be at the forefront of the minds of Georgia policymakers as they convene the Opioid Abuse Senate study committee (SR 1165) to identify strategies to address the opioid epidemic in the upcoming months. Substance use can oftentimes be prevented and reduced through a public health approach such as SBIRT – screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment. As part of our advocacy and policy efforts to make the case for greater use of SBIRT, GHF and the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse commissioned a fiscal analysis of the costs and benefits of supporting SBIRT through Medicaid. Stay tuned for the release of the full report and white paper outlining key findings.


chidlrenshealthcoverageDespite a sharp drop in the rate of uninsured children since 2014, Georgia still has 189,000 uninsured children. Their families are without the financial protection that comes with coverage. To address this need, people who regularly work with children need to be aware of the importance of health coverage to children and have the resources they need to connect kids and families with coverage quickly and easily.

That’s why GHF partnered with the Georgia Departments of Education and Public Health to conduct a webinar called “Covering Kids.” Read more about the webinar and the CEU credits available for nurses.


EnrollmentBrief2016imageNew Policy Report Released

This month, GHF released our new enrollment report, Getting Georgia Covered: What We Can Learn from Consumer and Assister Experiences During the Third Open Enrollment Period. Inside the report you’ll find:

  • Key themes in consumer and assister experiences during the 2016 open enrollment period
  • Best practices for outreach, enrollment, and reaching eligible Georgians who remain uninsured
  • Policy opportunities to increase enrollment, improve access to care, and address affordability issues

Read more.

DSC_0299Getting Georgia Covered

Health advocates, service providers, and enrollment assisters combined forces this month for a day of learning, sharing and planning at our second annual Getting Georgia Covered summit. From more about the event and speakers, click here. For event photos, check out our Facebook photo album!


Task force unveils options to cover uninsured in Georgia
Georgia Health News | August 31, 2016

Blue Cross To Be Sole Obamacare Insurer In Most Ga. Counties
WABE | August 30, 2016

State accepts new hike in Blue Cross exchange premiums
Georgia Health News | August 23, 2016

Blue Cross may bump up rates on Georgia insurance exchange
Georgia Health News | August 19, 2016

Aetna Latest Insurer To Leave Georgia’s Insurance Exchange
WABE | August 17, 2016

Another big defection from Georgia insurance exchange
Georgia Health News | August 16, 2016

Aetna pulls out of Obamacare exchanges in Georgia, 10 other states
Georgia Report | August 16, 2016


The Peach Pulse: July 2016


healthinallpoliciesThe complex factors that contribute to health

At GHF, we have historically spent much of our time and energy on ‘traditional’ issues in health care – health insurance, access to care, costs to consumers, and health care quality and value. But we all know there’s so much more to health than that. Factors like education, housing, criminal justice and corrections, and transportation all impact our health and well-being. These factors are called social determinants of health.

This year, GHF is launching a new project to bring together stakeholders and advocates from across sectors to identify promising policy initiatives that can address the social determinants of health. Read more about the project here.


Georgians for a Healthy Future teams up with Georgia Equality and The Health Initiative

Together, we are working to help Georgians who have faced discrimination in health care report it so we can help stop it from happening again. Learn more about this project and initiative here.

If you believe you have been discriminated against, you can file a complaint online with the Office for Civil Rights. Please also tell us about your experience so we can help you navigate the complaint process and identify systemic issues that should be addressed through public policy. Want to stay up-to-date on this project and issues impacting the health care of LGBT Georgians? Let Anna know and we’ll keep you posted!


IconDepartment of Justice moves to block major health insurance mergers 

Two weeks ago, the DOJ announced they will file suit to block both the Aetna-Humana and Anthem-Cigna health insurance mergers. Earlier this month, GHF released a policy report, Proceed with Caution: Proposed Health Insurance Mergers Could Harm Georgia Consumers, which details Georgia’s current health insurance market and how these mergers could decrease competition and access to care while increasing prices. Read more about what this means and check out Georgia Health News’s coverage as well an interview with GHF Executive Director Cindy Zeldin on WABE’s A Closer Look


20160719_205414Thank you to those who joined us for “A Conversation with Author Mike King” 

We had a great time on July 19th with friends and advocates talking with Mike King, author of A Spirt of Charity: Restoring the Bond Between America and Its Public Hospitals! The conversation centered around the past, present, and future of health care in America and in Georgia. You can find pictures from the event here.



Please join us in congratulating our four awardees!

We are thrilled to recognize this group of amazing consumer health care advocates! We encourage you to learn more about them, their commitment, and their impact. This year’s celebration will be on September 28th at Park Tavern. We hope you will join us as we honor their dedication and that of advocates across the state. RSVP


Enrollment-Summit-e1466617074424-150x150August 16, 2016 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Sloppy Floyd Building

Please join us for a half-day summit focusing on opportunities for collaboration between health care advocates, providers, policy experts, community-based nonprofit organizations, and enrollment assisters to better reach our shared goals of improving health care coverage and access to care in Georgia. Confirmed speakers include:


  • Dr. Pamela Roshell, Region IV Director, US Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Bill Custer, Director of the Center for Health Services Research and Associate Professor, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
  • Heather Bates, Deputy Director, Enrollment Assister Network, Families USA
  • Sandy Anh, Associate Research Professor, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms

This is a free event. Lunch will be provided. RSVP


Enroll-AmericaWe are excited to announce that we have been selected to be a part of the Enroll America Get Covered Academy – Leadership Track! The Leadership Track will focus on expanding our knowledge of best practices for outreach, enrollment, and reaching the remaining uninsured. Additionally, GHF will be the only organization in the Academy that is participating in the “train-the-trainer” curriculum. This specialized training will allow GHF staff to be trained on Enroll America’s Get Covered Academy topics and best practices to ultimately impart this knowledge to enrollment assisters throughout the state. Stay tuned for further updates on how we will take advantage of this opportunity and thank you to Enroll America for your support!


A Closer Look
Rose Scott and Jim Burress | WABE

As feds file suit over insurance deals, Georgia postpones hearing
Andy Miller | Georgia Health News

Invest in our state by closing the coverage gap 

Laura Colbert | Georgia Health News


The Peach Pulse: June 2016


It’s been an exciting month for Close the Gap advocates!

We are pleased to see that several of Georgia’s leaders have expressed to the press that they are willing to take a second look at closing Georgia’s coverage gap. We hope to work with our state leaders in the coming months to build further support and to find a solution that works for all Georgians. Below you’ll find a few links to articles covering the conversation happening at the Gold Dome.

Louisiana’s expanding Medicaid, Georgia should too
Flagpole | June 22

Task force aims to reshape Georgia stance on health coverage
Georgia Health News | June 21

Why a Ga. GOP chair wants to ‘re-examine’ Medicaid expansion
WABE June 15

Read more here 



1,000 names is a strong showing – but we need more!

Share the above infographic with a message encouraging your social network to add their names! You can find the petition here.


Final book cover-1A Conversation with Author Mike King

July 19 6:30 – 8:30 PM
The Warren City Club

Health care advocates and friends – please join us for a book signing and conversation with Atlanta journalist Mike King, author of A Spirt of Charity: Restoring the Bond Between America and its Public Hospitals. His new book explores the role of public hospitals in our health system, weaving Georgia’s history – and the history of Grady – into this national story. In advance of the event, our executive director, Cindy Zeldin sat down with King to talk about his book. Read their conversation here.

We will provide appetizers and there will be a cash bar. This is a free event. RSVP here.

Enrollment-Summit-e1466617074424-150x150Getting Georgia Covered: How Consumer and Assister Experiences can Increase Enrollment and Inform Policy

August 16 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Sloppy Floyd Building

Please join us for our second annual enrollment summit. This year we are focusing on strengthening relationships between the health policy community and the enrollment assistance community. The summit will include speakers from the Georgetown Center for Health Insurance Reforms, Families USA, and Region IV HHS. Learn more about the agenda and RSVP here.

CHIA 2015 Awards2016 Consumer Health Impact Awards

September 28 6:30 PM
Park Tavern

Tickets are now on sale for the 2016 Consumer Health Impact Awards! Three awards recipients have so far been revealed; join us in congratulating them!

  • Community Impact Award – Carole Maddux, Executive Director, CEO of the Good Samaritan Health & Wellness Center
  • Powerhouse Policymaker – Senator P.K. Martin
  • Powerhouse Policymaker – House Minority Leader, Representative Stacey Abrams

Only July 11th we’ll be revealing the recipient of the Linda Smith Lowe Health Advocate Award, so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Twitter! You can preview some of the silent auction items here and RSVP here.


Neil SUD 2016Keeping up the Drumbeat for Youth Substance Use Prevention

This June, we joined advocates from other states in Philadelphia for the Community Catalyst Substance Use Disorders Advocacy Convening. The three-day conference gave us valuable insight for the next phase of our advocacy and policy efforts to expand the use of Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) through the activation of Medicaid codes for youth. Activating Medicaid codes would allow providers to be reimbursed for the time they spend conducting SBIRT and would encourage greater use of the tool. Read more about this project and the convening here.

Peachtree CornersPeachtree Corners Festival 

Georgia’s many summer festivals provide a unique opportunity for GHF and our partners to get out in the community and talk with people about how health policy impacts their lives and how they can be advocates. On June 11th and 12th, we continued our summer festival outreach with an information and education booth at the Peachtree Corners Festival. Read more about the festival and our conversations with people in the coverage gap here.

EbenezerWomen’s Day at Ebenezer Baptist Church

Ebenezer Baptist Church is a cornerstone of advocacy and social justice in Atlanta. On June 20th, Laura Cobert, Director of Outreach & Partnerships, was invited to join their Women’s Season celebrations to talk about the importance fo closing Georgia’s coverage gap. She spoke to a crowd fo about 60 women on a day when the theme was health and self-care. To read more about the event and Laura’s presentation, click here.


Task force aims to reshape Georgia stance on health coverage
Georgia Health News| June 21



The Peach Pulse: May 2016


healthequityAn Important Step Towards Health Equity

On May 13, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a final rule implementing Section 1557 of the ACA, an important milestone in the movement towards health equity. Section 1557 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in all health programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance through HHS, are administered through HHS, or are established under Title 1 of the ACA. Notably, Section 1557 marks the first time that sex discrimination in health care is prohibited and clarifies that gender identity and sex stereotyping are included in this definition. For more check out this blog post.

networkadequacyYield for Consumers: Insurance Mergers in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Insurance will hold hearings this summer on proposed health insurance company mergers that, if approved as requested, could limit choice and increase costs for Georgia health care consumers. Georgia regulators have the opportunity through these hearings to assess the merits of these mergers and to place conditions on them that can mitigate negative outcomes for consumers, but advocacy is needed to accomplish this. Read on for more about mergers, how GHF plans to engage in the hearing process on behalf of Georgia health care consumers, and how you can weigh in.


The weather is heating up and the official start of summer is just around the corner, but here at GHF we’re already looking ahead to one of the hallmarks of fall: open enrollment! Earlier this spring, new renewal policies and consumer shopping tools were announced and health insurance plans released their initial rate filings, giving us early insights into what we might expect in the upcoming open enrollment period: November 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017. But while we’re busy preparing for OE4, we also know that health insurance enrollment happens year-round. Read on for more about new rules for special enrollment periods, rate filings, and how to stay up to date on all things enrollment.


Does a strong consumer voice make a difference in health policy outcomes? At GHF, consumer engagement is woven into each of our initiatives to bring the needs and voices of Georgia health care consumers into the public policy process. Over the past two years, one of our top priorities has been maximizing health insurance enrollment and ensuring that once enrolled, consumers can access the care they need. Our work in this area, along with that of similar efforts in seventeen states, was recently evaluated by Mathematica. The evaluation focused on the activities and outcomes of the eighteen Consumer Voices for Coverage projects funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Learn more about the evaluation findings here.


Spring SummitCover Georgia Spring Summit 

This month, members of the Cover Georgia Coalition met for a half-day meeting to discuss what advocates can do to make sure that Georgia closes its coverage gap in 2017. If your organization is interested in joining the coalition, reach out to Laura Colbert. If you are an individual advocate who’d like to join the movement here are three ways you can get involved:

  1. Share an infographic on social media about the coverage gap
  2. Sign the petition to close the coverage gap

Join the Georgia Health Action Network to receive updates on progress and prompts to reach out to legislators, engage on social media, and other quick actions


Final book cover-1A Conversation with Author Mike King

The Warren City Club
July 19, 2016
6:30 – 8:30 PM

Health care advocates and friends – please join GHF for a book signing and conversation with Atlanta journalist Mike King, author of A Spirit of Charity: Restoring the Bond Between America and Its Public Hospitals. His new book explores the role of public hospitals in our health system, weaving Georgia’s history – and the history of Grady – into this national story. You can read more about his book here. We look forward to an evening of lively conversation about the role of safety net hospitals here in Georgia and throughout America. We will provide a light dinner and there will be a cash bar. This is a free event. RSVP here.

CHIA 2015 AwardsConsumer Health Impact Awards 

Please join us for our second annual Consumer Health Impact Awards! This event shines a spotlight on advocates, community leaders, and state policymakers working to improve health in Georgia through service and advocacy. RSVP for the event here.

We will be announcing 2016 awardees in the coming weeks – look out for that announcement!


Some rates in Georgia insurance exchange could soar in 2017
Andy Miller, Georgia Health News

Ruling against Obamacare a win for GOP, but impact for Georgia on hold
Tamar Hallerman, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution


The Peach Pulse: April 2016


PWP Studio photographers specialize in corporate event photography, decor, details, incentive travel, conventions, and on-location photography in Atlanta, GeorgiaGHF Presents at Connections 2016

GHF’s Cindy Zeldin and Laura Colbert presented at the Healthcare Georgia Foundation’s 2016 Connections conference. They shared GHF organizational strengths that foster and support the development of strategic partnerships and cooperation. Check out Laura’s blog post about the conference for resources and more!


Whitney LWV 4.16GHF joins League of Women Voters for Annual Meeting

On Saturday, April 21st, GHF’s Whitney Griggs spoke to the Fulton County League of Women Voters about health care issues addressed in the 2016 legislative session. She highlighted bills focused on health care disparities and the coverage gap.




IMG_8559GHF and partners attend signing of SB 302 

Last week, Governor Deal signed SB 302 into law! GHF advocated throughout the Legislative Session for this bipartisan bill to improve the accuracy and usability of provider directories. SB 302 is an important step towards making provider directories the accurate and functional tool that consumers need to make the best health care decisions for themselves and their families. Georgia’s proactive move is being noted by national partners – check out the coverage!

Consumers Union – Consumers Score Victory with Georgia Provider Directory Legislation Signed into Law

Families USA – How States Are Improving Consumers’ Access to In-Network Health Care Providers

Community Catalyst – Protecting Health Care Consumers in the Peach State

For more information and resources on provider directories, check out our blog post.


Rural-Georgians-Coverage-GapInfographics page 

We know you care about advocating for a healthy future – it’s why you signed up for our emails! We also know you’re busy. So we’ve been working on ways you can learn, engage, and participate in the way that works best for you! One such avenue is through our infographics page. There you’ll find infographics on the issues you care about and easy buttons to share them on social media! If you’re on Pinterest, you can also follow our infographics board.



Inman Park Festival 2016Inman Park Festival – GHF goes to the community

This past weekend, GHF had a table at the Inman Park Festival. Whitney and Laura were on hand to talk about the coverage gap and other GHF priorities. We collected dozens of close the gap postcards and gave out goodies to those that stopped by! Thank you to our partners at Feminist Women’s Health Center for joining us at the festival!



policy-prioritiesPost Legislative Session Webinar 

If you weren’t able to attend our April 5th webinar, Changes in health Care and Policy in the 2016 Georgia Legislative Session, don’t worry, you can watch it here. The webinar reviews bills, resolutions, and budgetary items discussed during the 2016 Legislative Session that may impact Georgia’s health care system and health care consumers. Have questions that didn’t get answered? Email Laura!



Dibeties team

American Diabetes Association – Georgia Chapter

GHF is excited to partner with the Georgia chapter of the American Diabetes Association to support health advocacy work that can improve the lives of people affected by diabetes. Advocacy collaborations involve participation in the effort to pass SB 302, expansion of the American Diabetes Association’s Safe at School training program, and a Diabetes Advocacy Day at the Capitol in 2017. For information on involvement with the American Diabetes Association please contact Rebecca Drake.

The mission of the Georgia chapter of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes in the state.


Photo Sep 09, 9 13 38 PMJoin us for the 2nd annual Consumer Health Impact Awards!

We had a blast celebrating advocacy and health advances in Georgia with you last year and we can’t wait to do it again! Voting is now open for the Linda S. Lowe Health Advocacy Award and for the Community Impact Award. Know a person or organization whose work deserves to be recognized? Nominate them today! If you’re interested in sponsoring you can learn more here. RSVP here.


DeepShah_headshotDeep Shah

Dr. Deep Shah, MD, MSc is a senior internal medicine resident at Emory University School of Medicine/Grady Memorial Hospital. He graduated summa cum laude from the University of Georgia, where he won a Rhodes Scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in comparative social policy at Oxford. Deep then went to Harvard for medical school. He has worked as a policy fellow for Senator Johnny Isakson and Governor Sonny Perdue. He serves on the American College of Physicians’ Medical Practice and Quality Committee and Committee and Council of Resident/Fellow Members. After residency, he plans to marry his interests in primary care, health administration, and public policy.


porter-head-shot-608x1024Melanie Porter

Melanie recently retired from John Deere, where she worked in several diverse capacities, including Director and then Vice President of the Agri Services division of the company. Melanie led HR teams in Mergers and Acquisitions, integrating new businesses into John Deere, and was then appointed to lead a newly created HR area of Change Management, where she and her team designed and developed processes and tools that enabled aligned teamwork and supported individual and team performance improvement. She then returned to HR Operations, leading a team providing HR expertise and leadership to all the corporate functional areas of the company. Melanie also served as a Master Coach at John Deere, guiding leaders in their career objectives. She was proud to serve six years as Vice Chair of the Board for Community Health Care, Inc., an organization that provides excellent, affordable in-patient medical, dental and behavioral health care to over 35,000 patients annually.



Study says United exit will hurt some exchange enrollees
April 19 | Georgia Health News

State document hints at downside to insurance mergers in Georgia
April 13 | Georgia Health News

Read More.