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Press Releases

Georgians for a Healthy Future elects 2012 officers, names new board members

ATLANTA, Ga. (February  6, 2012) – Georgians for a Healthy Future, one of the state’s leading  health advocacy organizations, announced today the election of Dr. Harry J. Heiman as chairman of the  group’s Board of Directors for 2012.  Dr. Heiman is the director of health policy at The Satcher Health  Leadership Institute and assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the Morehouse  School of Medicine.

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Report spotlights ways to enhance health care for Georgia children

ATLANTA, Ga. (January 17, 2012) – Two of Georgia’s leading health care advocacy organizations  today issued a report saying the state could significantly expand medical care to more than 200,000  uninsured children with administrative practices, coverage policies and technologies already being used  in other states.

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Report highlights harmful effects of federal Medicaid cuts on Georgia’s economy

Atlanta (June 29, 2011) – Medicaid cuts in the House Republican budget, if implemented today, would have a devastating impact on Georgia’s economy. These cuts would put as many as 38,420 jobs and as much as $4.4 billion in state business activity at risk, according to a report released today by the national health care consumer organization Families USA.

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Georgia small business leaders and advocates discuss impact of health care law one year out

ATLANTA, GA, March 23, 2011–Georgians for a Healthy Future and Small Business Majority joined Georgia small business owner, Julie Haley on a tele-press conference today to discuss how small businesses have been affected by the Affordable Care Act in the year since its enactment.

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Health care advocates express concern about potential health care cutbacks

Atlanta, GA– As advocates for children, families, and consumers in Georgia, we are concerned about recent attempts within states to scale back vital health care programs for our most vulnerable citizens at a time when they are critically needed.

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Insurance commissioner candidates describe their plans for the office in the context of the new health care law

Atlanta, Georgia – Georgians for a Healthy Future and Voices for Georgia’s Children today released a publication featuring responses from all three candidates for Insurance Commissioner on eight vital questions about their approach to health insurance regulation in the context of the new health care law.

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GHF In The News

Feb 14, 2025
As States Mull Medicaid Work Requirements, Two With Experience Scale Back
Renuka Rayasam and Sam Whitehead

President Donald Trump’s return to the White House sent a clear signal about Medicaid to Republicans across the country: Requiring enrollees to prove they are working, volunteering, or going to…