Recognize Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with GHF on Facebook TODAY!
Georgians for a Healthy Future will discuss suicide awareness and prevention on FaceBook TODAY, September 28th, at 1pm! Deanna Williams and Knetta Adkins will be joined by Miriam Goodfriend, Advocacy Coordinator at the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Georgia, to discuss mental health resources and information.
Their engaging conversation will cover taboos related to suicidality and how Georgians can increase access to mental health resources in their communities.They will also discuss a special open enrollment period to help more Georgians get health insurance, which covers mental health as an essential health service.
Tune in today, September 28th, at 1pm to GHF’s Facebook page!
Thank you for coming to GHF’s Family & Friends Reunion!
Almost two weeks ago, the GHF team, our colleagues, partners, and supporters came together to reconnect at GHF’s Family & Friends Reunion. Against a city sunset, we shared advocacy ideas, kicked off GHF’s new strategic plan, and enjoyed each other’s company.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in this fun evening! We would also like to thank our generous sponsors for supporting this summer celebration. Our year-round advocacy is stronger because of your partnerships and gifts. Thank you!

New public health training: October 27th
Join Georgians for a Healthy Future on Thursday, October 27 for a new public health training. Your health and the health of your community are local. Unfortunately, local community efforts are sometimes stifled when states prohibit communities from passing their own laws on health issues like smoking and vaping, paid family leave, or plastic bag bans.
The handcuffs that states (including Georgia) sometimes put on local community laws have profound significance for public health and health equity. In this training, we will learn more about these barriers (called “preemption”), discuss how it may impact your local health advocacy efforts, and explore resources for action.
This event is geared toward Georgians who have an interest in health equity, grassroots organizers and advocates, public health professionals, health care providers, and other community members.
To attend this October 27th training, please complete the required pre-survey and then RSVP below. Then you will receive the Zoom link needed to attend the event.
First complete the required pre-survey:

Second, click the button to register for the October 27th training:

GHF joins the combined federal campaign!
Georgians for Healthy Future joined the combined federal campaign for the first time this year! That means federal employees and retirees who aim to be change makers for our state’s health can support GHF’s advocacy through your workplace giving program.
If you are a federal employee, uniformed service member, postal worker, or retiree, you can be the face of change for the health and well-being of all Georgians by giving to Georgians for a Healthy Future through the CFC. Our designation number 72852. The campaign runs from September 1 through January 14, 2023. Donate today at

Please consider a modest, consistent gift from your regular paychecks to help reduce the number of Georgians who are uninsured, alleviate medical debt from families” finances and strengthen public health systems in Georgia so we’re prepared for the next pandemic or health scare. Donate today at Thank you! |
Goal #2: Community-led change
Following the launch of GHF’s new 2022-2026 strategic plan, Executive Director Laura Colbert is dedicating a monthly blog to each of GHF’s four strategic goals. The blogs provide a more detailed look at how the goal was developed, what it will take to carry it out, and how GHF’s advocacy will improve as a result.
In the second of four blogs, Laura writes about GHF’s aim to more consistently listen and learn from Georgians across the state, invest in long-term community partnerships, and lift up grassroots leaders as the health experts for their own communities.
Click here to read more about GHF’s strategic goal #2.
Missed the first blog? Catch up and read it here. |
Community housing survey for Georgians with developmental disabilities
In partnership with the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), GHF is conducting a survey of Georgians living with developmental disabilities and their caregivers. The survey will help us better understand the experiences and needs of Georgians with DD related to safe, affordable, accessible housing. If you are a person with developmental disabilities, are a caregiver, or work with Georgians with DD, we need your help! Please complete the survey or share it with the adults you know with DD. (The survey is open to those over the age of 18.)

For more information or if you would like to participate in an upcoming focus group about the housing needs of Georgians with DD, please send your name and contact information to Whitney Griggs by clicking here or call GHF at 470-809-8000.
Share your health care story now!
Your story matters and we are here to amplify yours. Our fellow Georgians and our lawmakers need to hear about your health challenges and victories.
Experiences like yours let lawmakers know what’s working, and what’s not, in our health care system. Your story shows our leaders why we need to change laws & policies so that health care is more affordable, accessible, and benefits our communities. Let our GHF team work with you to share your health care story.
We’re particularly interested in hearing from you if you are uninsured, enrolled in health insurance through, have or had medical debt, or have Medicaid coverage. We welcome other stories too, so don’t be shy!
Share your story now! Write or record your story here. |