October 2023 |
Georgians for a Healthy Future is excited to welcome two nationally-recognized experts to this year’s Health Care Unscrambled keynote panel! Our conversation will feature Joan Alker, Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University and Alex Briscoe, Principal of the California Children’s Trust.
Our expert guests will examine changes in Georgia’s health coverage landscape; discuss the impacts on children, families, and marginalized Georgians; and envision how public and private health insurance could be leveraged to meaningfully support the well-being of Georgians.
You won’t want to miss this! RSVP today to take part in this great conversation on January 11, 2024!

Sponsorship opportunities are available. |
Scare off spooky Halloween spirits by getting covered for 2024
Happy Halloween!   After all of today’s spooky fun, don’t forget that healthcare.gov opens for business tomorrow, November 1st. If you or someone you know needs health insurance in 2024, this is your chance to shop and enroll! If you are not covered by Medicaid or job-based insurance, visit healthcare.gov to find out if you qualify for financial help.
Shop and get covered in one of these three ways:
- Online through healthcare.gov,
- Over the phone by calling 1-800-318-2596
- Connect with GHF’s two enrollment assistors, Deanna Williams and Angelica Rivera. Their expertise is free and unbiased. Fill out our “Get Help” form here to connect with Deanna and Angelica about your health insurance questions and needs. You can also call us at 404-567-5016.
More information is available on GHF’s Get Help with Health Insurance webpage.
Changes are coming to the Marketplace! Let GHF help you prepare.
Since 2013, Georgians have used healthcare.gov to view health insurance plans, qualify for financial help to lower their costs, and enroll in the health plan of their choosing. Earlier this year, Georgia lawmakers moved to change that. During open enrollment, Georgians will get a preview of the changes coming to our marketplace shopping and enrollment experience–changes that will go into full effect next year.
What changes should you expect? How can you be prepared? We answer your questions in GHF’s new blog “Changes are coming to the way many Georgians enroll in health insurance.“ |
Thanks for joining!
On October 21st, Doctors for America and Cover Georgia teamed up to host an advocacy training for physicians, medical students, and other health care providers. The training focused on putting patients over politics by advocating for Medicaid expansion in Georgia.
Training participants learned how advocacy for accessible, to affordable health care for all Georgians benefits their patients and their communities. Providers practiced powerful storytelling meant to influence state leaders as they make decisions that impact access to care across the state.
Providers also learned about how they can serve as local champions for Medicaid expansion, including by connecting with their state lawmakers about how it would improve the lives of their patients, and talking with local media outlets about health care challenges they are facing.
“I was so inspired seeing Georgia health care professionals giving up time on the weekend to take on leadership roles that will improve health and health care in Georgia,” said Knetta Adkins, Cover Georgia Campaign Coordinator and GHF’s Organizing Manager.
Thank you to Doctors for America for co-hosting this training with Cover Georgia, and to the health care professionals who attended.
To learn more about Cover Georgia or coordinate a training for your community or group, visit coverga.org. |
We are hiring!
GHF is looking for a creative, data-driven, and detail-oriented Georgian to fill an open position: Strategic Communications Manager. The Strategic Communications Manager will lead GHF’s communications, marketing, and public relations efforts. The Manager will effectively develop and deploy traditional and new communications strategies to advance GHF’s advocacy goals, produce trustworthy and compelling content that promotes our mission, and grow GHF’s advocacy footprint. The Manager will lead strategies to build, cultivate, and mobilize GHF’s primary audiences, in coordination with other GHF team members and partners.
Please share with your networks or apply today. Visit GHF’s Employment Opportunities page for more information about this position and how to apply. |
Consider GHF for Georgia Gives Day on Nov. 28th!
Georgia Gives Day is coming up on Tuesday, November 28th. As Georgians across the state come together to support nonprofits serving our communities, we hope you will give to GHF.
GHF’s advocacy makes possible the changes that seem impossible for our state’s health. Your donation can help reduce the number of Georgians who are uninsured, alleviate medical debt from families’ finances, and strengthen public health systems in Georgia so we’re prepared for the next pandemic or health scare. Georgians facing these health challenges deserve a trusted champion who puts forward evidence-based solutions and connects consumers to decision makers directly–GHF!
Your donation will help build the healthy, thriving, and equitable future that every Georgian deserves. Thank you for considering GHF on Georgia Gives Day!


Share your health care story now!
Your story matters and we are here to amplify yours. Our fellow Georgians and our lawmakers need to hear about your health challenges and victories.
Experiences like yours let lawmakers know what’s working, and what’s not, in our health care system. Your story shows our leaders why we need to change laws & policies so that health care is more affordable, accessible, and benefits our communities. Let our GHF team work with you to share your health care story.
We’re particularly interested in hearing from you if you are uninsured, enrolled in health insurance through healthcare.gov, have or had medical debt, or have Medicaid coverage.
This year GHF documented stories from community members following two local hospital closures in Glenwood and Cuthbert, Georgia. We are humbled to share both stories with you today in two videos.
Watch the Glenwood and Cuthbert stories on our Georgia Can’t Wait page. Learn more about how communities struggle when hospitals are allowed to fail, in part because of our leaders’ refusal to expand Medicaid to their uninsured constituents.
We welcome all stories, so don’t be shy! Share your story now! Write or record your story here. |