JULY 2021 |
Special enrollment period for health insurance ends Aug. 15th
Help us spread the word: Georgians have less than one month before the August 15th deadline to enroll in affordable, comprehensive health coverage!
Under the new American Rescue Plan Act, 127,000 uninsured Georgians are newly eligible for financial help to lower their health insurance costs. Another 134,900 uninsured Georgians now qualify for zero-dollar ($0) premiums. Healthcare.gov is open through August 15th so consumers can shop and enroll!
Here are a few resources that may help you or your loved ones get covered:
If you are already insured, share our posts on FaceBook, Twitter, & LinkedIn to help us spread the word! |
My Care Counts! Add your voice before the July 28th deadline!
We all know that health insurance can be complicated. Enrollment periods, premiums, deductibles, and plan selection are confusing, if not overwhelming. Right now federal health officials are considering new rules that would make it easier and asking for your comments. These new rules would:
- Make it easier to enroll in health insurance
- Provide more consumer assistance to help people understand and use their health insurance
- Restore protections so that Georgia and other states can’t make it harder for people to get covered or force people into plans with higher out-of-pocket costs
It’s especially important that health officials hear from Georgians like you! Add your voice to support these proposals!
BREAKING: A fix for Georgia’s coverage gap proposed by Georgia’s U.S. Senators & Representatives!
Senators Warnock and Ossoff, and Representative Bourdeaux have introduced bills in Congress this month that would extend health coverage to low-income adults in Georgia and 11 other states that have failed to expand Medicaid!
This fix would make health insurance available to as many as 500,000 uninsured Georgia workers, parents, veterans, and young adults. Early commitments from Congressional leaders like Hosue Speaker Pelosi and Senator Bernie Sanders provide hope that these proposals have a real chance at becoming law!
While the exact policy details are still being shaped, it’s important that Georgia’s Senators and Representatives hear from you! Tell them that Georgians should no longer be shut out of health care because of where they live and that Congress should fix the coverage gap now. Speak up today!

Gov. Kemp declines to provide more info. about his plan to separate Georgians from healthcare.gov
In June, federal health officials asked Gov. Kemp for more information about his plan to cut ties with the ACA’s health insurance marketplace (healthcare.gov). State leaders declined to provide updated data and information, instead suggesting that federal officials were not acting in good faith.
In response, GHF’s Executive Director said this: “The federal government is reasonably asking Georgia to prove that this plan meets the ACA’s standards.”
While we wait for state and federal policymakers to come to an agreement on next steps, we want to hear from you. Tell us what you think of the Governor’s plan to make it more difficult for Georgia consumers to get covered and stay covered.Your comment will be provided to federal health officials to urge them to protect Georgians from the Governor’s harmful plan.
Confused about what’s happening with Gov. Kemp’s two health care waivers? Cover Georgia has the latest on this handy timeline. See the latest developments on the Governor’s partial Medicaid expansion plan or his proposed changes to private health insurance. |
Find out how Georgia’s new surprise billing protections apply to you!
Georgia’s new Surprise Billing Consumer Protection Act went into effect in January. Georgia is just the 16th state to have adopted comprehensive protections against surprise medical bills. GHF and Georgia Watch advocated for five years for this law that will protect an estimated 2.5 million Georgia residents from burdensome surprise medical bills. Learn more about how the new law protects you in our new factsheet here.
La Ley de Protección al Consumidor de Facturación Sorpresa entró en vigor en enero, lo que convierte a Georgia en el decimosexto estado que ha adoptado protecciones integrales contra facturas médicas inesperadas. Georgia Watch y Georgians for a Healthy Future abogaron durante cinco años por esta ley que protegerá a aproximadamente 2,5 millones de residentes de Georgia de costosas facturas médicas inesperadas. Si desea obtener más información sobre cómo lo protege la nueva ley, consulte nuestra nueva hoja informativa a continuación. |