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The Final Days of OE3!

It’s the final days of Open Enrollment!Don't get left out

Everyone has been working hard and the final push is here. We know that all of your focus right now is helping consumers at the last minute, so we’ll keep this week’s newsletter brief.

Help Consumers Think about Their Plans before Their Appointment                  EA_Logo_RGB

We know that this last week has been full of enrollment appointments and you likely have consumers lined up to meet with you. Often times the longest part of the process is the plan selection at the very end. One way to help streamline this process and give consumers something to do while they’re waiting is to have them visit Enroll America’s Get Covered Plan Explorer. This tool helps consumers to better understand key features of their health plan choices like what they will pay out of pocket for health care services in a given year, and what doctors are covered. It also allows consumers to look at plans before they have even created a healthcare.gov account.

Resource Highlight – Health Coverage and Taxes tool from Healthcare.gov

This new tool from healthcare.gov combines the lowest cost bronze plan (LCBP) and second lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP) look-up features in one tool. This should make it easier for consumers when they are filing their taxes if they received a premium tax credit or are applying for an affordability exemption.

New Marketplace Resources

New SEP Guidelines – CMS Blog

Tax Resource Hub – In the Loop

#Heretohelp Campaign – HHS and In the Loop