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New Way to Access GEAR

Check Out the New GEAR Page!

Georgians for a Healthy Future is excited to announce the launch of our new website, and along with it, the new GEAR page. The pages have new lay outs and features, which will make navigating them and finding what you are looking for even easier. You can still find our home page at healthyfuturega.org and the GEAR page healthyfuturega.org/gear. Go ahead, check it out and let us know what you think. As always, if there is something that you think that should be on the GEAR page that isn’t there now, let us know!

gear page image

Still Not a Member of In the Loop? Join to Get Their Best Practices of The Day Emails

As we’ve mentioned before, In the Loop is a great resource for enrollment assisters. Being a part of the In the Loop Community allows you to interact with other enrollment assisters from around the country, learn best practices, share trouble shooting tips and more. Need another perk to get you to join? In the Loop also sends out daily emails with their best practices of the day from fellow enrollment assisters. These emails provide you with tips and tricks to make enrollment a lot easier and smoother. Often times their suggestions are things you might not have even thought of before. So if you still need to join In the Loop*, click here.

* In the Loop is only for enrollment assisters and other enrollment stakeholders, in order to keep it a place where people can confidently share information. As such, In the Loop does require registration and approves each person that wants to join.


Resource Highlight – “How Premium Tax Credits Work” Video from Healthcare.gov

The video helps consumers understand how the financial assistance they received through their advanced premium tax credits will be reconciled when they file their taxes. The video is also available in Spanish.

New Marketplace Resources

Taxes and the Health Insurance Marketplace – healthcare.gov

SHOP Basics and 2016 Updates webinar – CMS

Ledger to Calculate Income for Self-Employed Consumers – In the Loop