The Deadline is Coming!
As you all know the December 15th deadline for January 1 coverage is quickly approaching. If you or your organization is active on social media, now is a great time to send out reminders for the deadline. It’s especially important to remind consumers that already have coverage that now is the time to shop around before they are automatically re-enrolled in the same plan from last year, which is likely to have a higher premium. Need some ideas for social media posts? Check out these social media graphics from HHS.
Show Us How You’re Doing Outreach!
Georgians for a Healthy Future is collecting pictures, graphics, social media posts, etc from organizations on how they are doing outreach. Pictures could include billboards (like this one from SRA), signs you have posted out in front of your building, or anything related to how you are getting the word out about your enrollment activities. You can send your pictures or posts to Whitney.
Join Us for the Bi-Weekly Enrollment Stakeholder Call
Every other Thursday GHF and Enroll America host the enrollment stakeholder call. Attendees include HHS, Navigator grantees, and other enrollment stakeholders throughout the state. The calls are a great opportunity to learn about the work that other groups are doing and let the groups know about any events your organization has coming up. The next call will be on Thursday, December 17th at 1 pm. Click here to register for the call.
National Resource Highlight –
Enroll America’s Six Things You Can Learn about the Uninsured Landscape in Your State
How has the uninsured landscape in Georgia changed since the Marketplace opened two years ago? Enroll America recently published individual data profiles for all 50 states and D.C. to provide enrollment assisters with the latest information on the remaining uninsured in their state. The profiles are full of data, so click here to understand more about what all that data means.
New Marketplace Resources
Health Reform Beyond the Basics, OE3 Webinar Series Recordings
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Marketplace Enrollment Snapshots Week 3 of Open Enrollment
Fast Facts on Assisting Consumers Who are Immigrants (Now available in 19 languages)
Do you have any resources that you use that you would like to see highlighted in GEAR? Send them to Whitney and let us know!