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In The News

Georgians for a Healthy Future is frequently cited in news articles about health care issues, ensuring the consumer perspective is heard. Read news stories featuring Georgians for a Healthy Future’s perspective below.


Health issues face state Legislators CON law, surprise billing, medical marijuana will draw lawmakers’ attention

  • by Andy Miller
  • Albany Herald
“We hope to see coverage expansion to low-income Georgians,’’ Laura Colbert of Georgians for a Healthy Future, said at an event sponsored by the consumer group. “We’re feeling optimistic’’ about a statewide program to increase health insurance.
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Health care agenda: Will longtime disputes be resolved in the legislature?

  • by Andy Miller
  • Gwinnett Daily Post

“We hope to see coverage expansion to low-income Georgians,’’ Laura Colbert of Georgians for a Healthy Future, said Thursday at an event sponsored by the consumer group. “We’re feeling optimistic’’ about a statewide program to increase health insurance, she said.

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Health care could have ‘big year’ in Georgia’s Legislature

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Laura Colbert, Executive Director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, supports outright Medicaid expansion but knows that won’t happen now. She just hopes the possibility of a Medicaid waiver gets a good hearing.

“More than in past years,” she said, “this legislative session could be a big year for health care.”

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Obamacare ruling creates uncertainty about Georgia’s pursuit of waivers

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Georgia has been in a wait-and-see posture since the Supreme Court originally ruled on the ACA in 2012,” she said. “It’s time for us to move forward.” – Laura Colbert, the director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, an advocacy group.

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Georgia sees last-minute enrollment surge, but trails last year’s total

  • by Andy Miller
  • Gwinnett Daily Post

“The lack of awareness among Georgia consumers about the ACA open enrollment period may be the biggest contributor for the low enrollment numbers,’’ said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

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Final week for Obamacare open enrollment has high stakes

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Laura Colbert, the director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, which advocates for all people to have health coverage said that she believes there are a few reasons to worry about slower enrollment number this year.

Compared with this time last year, enrollment is lagging, with 182,000 Georgians selecting a plan under the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

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How midterm elections may impact Obamacare, Medicaid coverage in Georgia

  • by Joshua Silavent
  • Gainesville Times

Laura Colbert, executive director of nonprofit Georgians for a Healthy Future, said health consumers need to be mindful that there has been a growth in the number of short-term plans made available that do not have the same minimum coverage requirements as those plans meeting ACA standards.

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How Medicaid expansion has candidates divided on health care

  • by Joshua Silavent
  • Gainesville Times

“The results of Medicaid expansion in other states clearly demonstrate that it is the most cost-effective investment that Georgia’s policymakers can make in the health and prosperity of rural Georgians,” Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, a consumer health advocacy group, said in a statement. “Without action on this issue, rural parts of our state will continue to fall behind.”

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How crowdfunding is a digital age answer for medical costs

  • by Joshua Silavent
  • Gainesville Times

Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, a nonprofit consumer health advocacy organization “I do think it indicates that we haven’t gone far enough in providing people with accessible, affordable care that’s close to home.”

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Medicaid expansion would benefit rural Georgia

  • by Andy Miller
  • Albany Herald

ATLANTA — “The potential impact from Medicaid expansion would be bigger in rural Georgia than in urban areas of the state, according to a new report released Tuesday.”

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