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In The News

Georgians for a Healthy Future is frequently cited in news articles about health care issues, ensuring the consumer perspective is heard. Read news stories featuring Georgians for a Healthy Future’s perspective below.


Senate panel backs waiver bill to insure more Georgians

  • by Curt Yeomans
  • Gwinnett Daily Post
Reinsurance, as some states have sought, would provide stability for the exchange premiums, said Laura Colbert of the consumer group Georgians for a Healthy Future. But other 1332 waiver ideas, such as to promote ‘‘junk insurance’’ plans [those with very limited benefits], could create “seismic and detrimental changes,’’ Colbert said.
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Lawmakers, Advocates Skeptical Of Kemp’s Medicaid Waiver Plan

  • by Sam Whitehead
  • WABE

Laura Colbert, with patient advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future, also worries that the Kemp administration’s waiver plan likely won’t go far enough.

“Many of the Georgians who are excluded in this proposal will likely remain uninsured and continue to struggle to get the health coverage and care they need,” she said in a statement.

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What’s in the funding deal for health care

  • by Dan Diamond and Rachana Pradhan
  • Politico Pulse


“Many of the Georgians who are excluded in this proposal will likely remain uninsured and continue to struggle to get the health coverage and care they need,” Georgians for a Healthy Future said in a statement.

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Kemp to seek Medicaid, Obamacare waivers for Georgia

  • by Greg Bluestein Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Health care advocates expressed cautious optimism. Laura Colbert, the executive director of the patient advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future, said she worries that a waiver could include work requirements, but that it was “exciting” to see movement.

“Georgia consumers have been waiting for the last seven years for our leaders to make the decision about whether or not they have a pathway to coverage,” she said.

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What Is Certificate Of Need? Explaining A Likely Health Care Fight At The Gold Dome

  • by Sam Whitehead
  • WABE

It’s a fight Laura Colbert will be watching closely. She heads patient-advocacy group Georgians For A Healthy Future and hopes what’s best for health care consumers doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.

“I don’t know that patients are a central part of the decision making right now, and frankly, haven’t been a central part of the debate so far,” Colbert said.

“CON is interconnected with other debates around health care at the Capitol and that the success of one may improve or tank the chances for another,” she said.

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Momentum builds to seek waiver to cover more Georgians under Medicaid

  • by Greg Bluestein Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Laura Colbert, who leads Georgians for a Healthy Future, has long advocated for full-on Medicaid expansion. She said she was cautiously optimistic. However, she said, “I am pleased that Georgia’s decision-makers are taking steps forward to ensure low-income Georgians have health insurance coverage.”

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Democrat Trammell says fiscal analysis proves case for Medicaid expansion

  • by Andy Miller
  • Gwinnett Daily Post

The new state estimate “is lower than the previous estimate and underlines the affordability of expansion for the state,’’ Laura Colbert of the advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future told GHN.

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‘Waiver’ on the way? Kemp signals a plan to increase coverage

  • by Andy Miller
  • Georgia Health News

Laura Colbert of the consumer group Georgians for a Healthy Future “We are encouraged that Governor Kemp is utilizing the tools available to him to address the state’s health needs and hope that the effort results in accessible, affordable, high quality health care for all Georgians regardless of income.”

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NAIC Names 2019 Consumer Liaison Representatives

  • by National Association of Insurance Commissioners
  • National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Laura Colbert: Executive Director, Georgians for a Healthy Future named a 2019 Funded Consumer Liaison Representative

Established in 1992, the Consumer Liaison Program promotes consumer interaction with the NAIC’s members, the insurance industry and interested parties through the individuals’ dedication and commitment to serving the public interest.

“Our consumer liaison representatives are experts in their fields and provide regulators with important insights,” said Eric Cioppa, NAIC President and Maine Superintendent of Insurance. “Their contributions help protect consumers, which is always one of our top priorities.”

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Georgians for a Healthy Future Encourages Stakeholders to Become Medicaid Advocates

  • by Adrianne Murchison
  • Making a Difference

“In 2017, we saw some real threats at the congressional level with a proposal to restructure for Medicaid recipients,” said Colbert. “We were able to eliminate the threat and further felt that it’s important to raise awareness of the role that Medicaid plays in families and communities. We are building support and sustainability.”

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