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In The News

Georgians for a Healthy Future is frequently cited in news articles about health care issues, ensuring the consumer perspective is heard. Read news stories featuring Georgians for a Healthy Future’s perspective below.


What Halting Of Utah’s Medicaid Waiver Plan Could Mean For Georgia

  • by Emil Moffatt
  • WABE
“When there’s a deal on the table where you can pay just 10 percent as opposed to just over 30 percent of costs, it would be smart for Georgia to go back to the Legislature and ask permission to extend coverage to those just above the poverty line,” said Laura Colbert with Georgians for a Healthy Future.
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Trump effort to tackle kidney disease could have big impact on Georgia

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Are all admirable goals, and the federal government should be working toward that,” said Laura Colbert, the director of Georigans for a Healthy Future, which has advocated for coverage of poor Georgians through Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. “When you contrast those goals with the other actions the federal government is taking around health care they don’t necessarily line up,” she said, specifically citing the administration’s legal arguments that same week against the Affordable Care Act.

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Obamacare Lawsuit Has Georgia Advocates Worried

  • by Sam Whitehead
  • WABE

“Eliminating the ACA would ripple across Georgia’s healthcare system and across the nation’s healthcare system. It’s embedded in every aspect of health coverage and healthcare at this point,” said Laura Colbert with consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

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Consultant’s application suggests goals for Georgia health care waivers

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

“Frankly, the documents themselves, just the way the work incentive is framed, and the direction that the federal government is pushing states, indicate that this work requirement will be mandatory, not a voluntary work support program,” Laura Colbert on Georgia’s health care waiver discussion and goals listed by Deloitte.

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20k Ga. children lost health coverage in 2018 as uninsured rate grows nationwide

  • by Joshua Silavent
  • Gainesville Times

“Our job now is to figure out why kids are falling off coverage,” she said. “Certainly, a jump that much is concerning.” – Laura Colbert on data from a new report from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families that states PeachCare for Kids covered 20,000 fewer children at the end of 2018 than the year before.

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Could Georgia Consider Work Requirements For Medicaid?

  • by Sam Whitehead
  • WABE

“It’s not something that helps people work. It’s something that prevents them from getting healthcare so they can work,” said Laura Colbert with patient-advocacy group Georgians For A Healthy Future.

She argues work requirements don’t lift people out of poverty, but simply kick people off Medicaid.

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I-TEAM INVESTIGATION: Patient’s First Act could greatly change Medicaid in Georgia

  • by Liz Owens
  • WRDW

“It could make really big changes that could put coverage for low-income seniors and children and families at risk,” Laura Colbert said. She is the the executive director of the non-profit group Georgians for a Healthy Future. Right now, she is very worried about the future. “The devil will be in the details but we don’t know but we don’t know any of the details yet,” she said.

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Georgia Finds Many Valid Complaints Against Health Insurers

  • by Andy Miller
  • WABE

“This information may be helpful to some very diligent insurance shoppers who want to know which insurance companies are best at keeping their customers happy before making a final decision about where to spend their money,’’ said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

“The greater value of this information,” she said, “is for the Georgia Department of Insurance, which can use it to take action against insurers who consistently receive poor marks or reward insurers who consistently prioritize consumers, and for the insurance companies who may be inclined to better prioritize the needs of their customers as they see where they stack up against their competition.’’

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State studies health insurer complaints

  • by Andy Miller
  • Statesboro Herald

“This information may be helpful to some very diligent insurance shoppers who want to know which insurance companies are best at keeping their customers happy before making a final decision about where to spend their money,” said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

See the article for the full details

Georgia releases data on complaints against insurance companies

  • by Andy Miller
  • The Georgia Sun

“This information may be helpful to some very diligent insurance shoppers who want to know which insurance companies are best at keeping their customers happy before making a final decision about where to spend their money,’’ said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

See the article for the full details