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In The News

Georgians for a Healthy Future is frequently cited in news articles about health care issues, ensuring the consumer perspective is heard. Read news stories featuring Georgians for a Healthy Future’s perspective below.


Federal approval of Kemp ACA waiver contains last-minute surprises

  • by Ariel Hart
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Laura Colbert, president of Georgians for a Healthy Future, which supports the ACA, said the changes will move resources to help those who make more money.

“The governor’s plan pits affordability for middle- and high-income consumers against access and comprehensive coverage for lower and moderate-income Georgians,” Colbert said in a statement.

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Opinion: Medicaid waiver plan inadequate to Ga.’s needs

  • by Sally Harrell
  • Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The governor’s healthcare waiver bans Georgians from using the HealthCare.gov website to shop for ACA health coverage plans. Georgians will instead be required to visit numerous private broker websites to compare their offerings, some of which could include junk plans that offer substantially less coverage to unsuspecting shoppers than ACA plans. Kemp called HealthCare.gov “simply awful,” yet according to Laura Colbert, Executive Director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, people shopping for ACA plans can already buy directly from insurance companies, yet 80% choose to use the government portal instead. Gov. Kemp also failed to mention that the Trump Administration has continuously cut marketing and education budgets for HealthCare.gov, intentionally making it harder for Georgians to sign up for ACA plans.

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Critics: Georgia health-insurance reforms a ‘missed opportunity’

  • by By Dave Williams, Capitol Beat News Service
  • Savannah Morning News

’This is a huge missed opportunity,” said Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future. “We’re missing the most cost-effective way to solve this problem.”

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“Some of Us Have Never Been Silent”: Race, health and engagement in Southwest Georgia

  • by Treston Codrington
  • Public Agenda

The project will address this gap by building the capacity of Georgia’s community health workers to engage in effective community organizing and civic advocacy through training, technical assistance, and peer learning. The project will sustain this engagement by focusing on fostering and nurturing relationships within a network of CHWs and the project team that will outlast the duration of this project. CVH – Georgia is led by Berneta Haynes and Liz Coyle of Georgia Watch along with Natalie Hernandez of Morehouse School of Medicine, Laura Colbert of Georgians for a Healthy Future, and Hayes-Brown of Georgia ACT.

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Governor Kemp’s Georgia health insurance changes get the federal nod

  • by Gloria Turner
  • Live Insurance News

“I would dispute the characterization that this is a step forward,” said Georgians for a Healthy Future executive director Laura Colbert. That organization is a lobbying group pursuing improved health care access. “I think that Georgia can do much better and can do it more cost effectively.”

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Kemp rolls out Medicaid plans

  • by Andy Miller, Georgia Health News
  • Valdosta Daily Times

“Separating Georgia from healthcare.gov puts people with pre-existing conditions, rural Georgians, and people of color at unnecessary risk of enrolling in substandard health insurance or becoming uninsured altogether,” said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

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GA Individual Market Reform Approved Over Industry Objections

  • by Kelsey Waddill
  • HealthPayerIntelligence

In a statement, Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future, noted that the final public comment period for the Georgia Access proposal closed with 1,800 comments. This was a record number of comments for this type of proposal.

“The overwhelming majority of those comments were in opposition and came not only from Georgians but from a wide array of respected organizations, like the American Medical Association and the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, as well as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United Way,” stated Colbert. “Despite this, Georgia has just earned one of the fastest approvals for the proposal.”

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Challenges loom after federal approval of Kemp health plan

  • by Ross Williams
  • Georgia Recorder

The waivers could also result in a net increase of uninsured Georgians during the first year, said Laura Colbert, executive director of Georgians for a Healthy Future.

“When both of these proposals are rolled out, it is likely that more Georgians will lose health coverage than gain it in the first year,” she said. “When health insurance is more valuable than ever for the access to care and financial protections that it provides to families, state leaders would leave more Georgians uninsured.”

See the article for the full details

Feds approve Georgia health insurance changes sought by Kemp

  • by Jeff Amy
  • ABC News

“I would dispute the characterization that this is a step forward,” said Laura Colbert, executive director at Georgians for a Healthy Future, a lobbying group that seeks better health care access. “I think that Georgia can do much better, and can do it more cost effectively.”

See the article for the full details

Breaking Down Georgia’s Waiver Plans After Capitol Ceremony

  • by Andy Miller
  • GBP

Critics worry about the state abandoning the current website. “Separating Georgia from healthcare.gov puts people with pre-existing conditions, rural Georgians, and people of color at unnecessary risk of enrolling in substandard health insurance or becoming uninsured altogether,” said Laura Colbert of the consumer advocacy group Georgians for a Healthy Future.

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