GHF Friends & Family Reunion
(Address provided with event registration)
Atlanta, GA

Celebrating with GHF!
The best and most effective advocacy relies on strong, trusted relationships. While GHF and many of you virtually advocated and organized since March 2020, we’ve missed being together with our friends, allies, supporters, and partners. We’re so glad we had the opportunity to reconnect and see everyone’s friendly faces at GHF's Friends & Family Reunion event on Thursday, September 15th!
Just like a lot of us during the pandemic, GHF has learned, grown, and changed. Our staff team has grown, we kicked off a new strategic plan, and we’re just as dedicated as ever to building a healthy, equitable Georgia. Thank you for a fun evening for us to have said "Hello again!", met new GHF friends and family, and celebrated our new directions.
Thank you to our event sponsors!
Sponsorships support GHF's year-round advocacy for policies, laws, & systems that foster equitable opportunities for all Georgians to achieve their highest level of health. This year's sponsorships are especially important as GHF embarks on a new and ambitious strategic plan. Thank you to our generous sponsors!
Gold sponsors
AmeriHealth Caritas
Andy Lord
Dewanna Burke
Harry Heiman & Abby Friedman
Molina Healthcare
Silver sponsors
Abbie Fuksman
Chastity Walker
Elizabeth Consky & Sar Medoff
Julie Edelson
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
National Alliance for Mental Illness, Georgia chapter
State senator Nan Orrock
Bronze sponsors
Cara Cummins & Jose Tavel
Cindy Zeldin
David Newton
Grace Zoller
Jeff Graham
Jenny Besse
Jennifer Morgan
Karen Bowers
Laura Colbert & Chris Tavel
Maura George
Melanie Porter
Natalie Hernandez & Gerald Green
National MS Society
Protect Our Care Georgia
Rachel Stanley
Wendy Weiner & Delia Champion
The benefits of sponsorship
- Platinum sponsors | $2500
- Verbal acknowledgement during welcome remarks
- Prominent mention (logo/name) on GHF’s event webpage and promotional emails
- Prominent mention (logo/name) on event signage recognizing sponsors of all levels
- Recognition on GHF’s social media channels
- Gold sponsors | $1000
- Verbal acknowledgement during welcome remarks
- Listing on GHF’s event webpage and promotional emails
- Individual recognition on GHF’s social media channels
- Listing on event signage recognizing sponsors of all levels
- Silver sponsors | $500
- Listing on GHF’s event webpage and promotional emails
- Recognition on GHF’s social media channels
- Listing on event signage recognizing sponsors of all levels
- Bronze sponsors | $250
- Listing on GHF’s event webpage and promotional emails
- Recognition on GHF’s social media channels
- Listing on event signage recognizing sponsors of all levels