Amir Jones

Amir Jones has been an advocate for healthcare access for a number of years. He currently serves as a Certified Application Counselor (CAC), with the Affordable Care Act.  In this role, he has offered health insurance support to Georgians throughout the state.

In addition to one-on-one appointments with individuals and families, Amir holds space to discuss health insurance with advocates, community partners, and others with questions about the process.

This work has been complemented by other pursuits related to social justice needs, in the metro-Atlanta area.  Amir has volunteered with, worked for, and supported a number of organizations that emphasize fairness, equality, and dignity for all Ga. residents. SONG, Snap Co, ACLU of GA, Sistersong, are some of the few spaces (and others over the years) in which Amir has been an ally in the work for positive change in Atlanta and beyond.