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Health Policy Issues
Our Key Priorities
Georgians for a Healthy Future has identified four core priorities for our work: health care coverage, access to care, health care value, and building a healthier Georgia. In each of these areas, we advocate on behalf of health care consumers in Georgia.

Coverage matters. It facilitates access to care and helps provide financial protection (and peace of mind) against high medical costs. Learn more about our campaign to close the coverage gap and our efforts to ensure robust enrollment and strong consumer protections for all Georgians.

Too many Georgians face barriers to accessing meaningful and timely care. In rural communities, many hospitals are struggling to keep their doors open. And throughout the state, even Georgians with coverage can face difficulties accessing specialty care or prescription drugs. Learn more about our efforts to ensure that all Georgians can access quality care.

Enhancing Value for Health Care Consumers
Health care value is about raising the bar in our health system to achieve better outcomes at an affordable cost. Health care costs continue to rise, yet quality remains uneven and Georgia's overall health access and outcome indicators are among the nation's poorest. Learn more about our efforts to enhance value for Georgia health care consumers.

There is a growing recognition that factors outside the formal health system can impact the health of individuals, families, and communities. To make inroads in improving population health, we need to look "upstream" at social determinants of health at the same time we work to make the health system work better for consumers. Learn more about our efforts to build a healthier Georgia.